Learning & Teaching News

As a whole school community we will gather together to participate in the OHR Memorial Service on Wednesday 24th April at 2.30pm. We warmly invite all parents and extended family members to join us in the hall. Grandparents, relatives, neighbours are warmly welcomed.
Some of our senior students will lead this ceremony and we would love to hear from any parent who might be interested in assisting on the day. Brigadier John Holloway will give to our
We require a parent or family member to read the oath of remembrance at the memorial service. Any parent/s who could make a large rosemary wreath for the day would be most appreciated. This wreath will also be used at the Surrey Hills Dawn Service on Anzac Day where our student school leaders will participate.
Students and families are invited to bring any family memorabilia, (photos, medals, uniform pieces etc), to school on the day to place at the front of the hall.
Please email lcanty@ohrsurreyhills.catholic.edu.au to let me know if you can help at the OHR ANZAC DAY Memorial Service by Monday 17th March.
Thanking you,
Lisa Canty
Parent Helpers
We are providing a session to induct parent helpers prior to helping out in the classroom. During this meeting we will discuss the "Do's, Don'ts and Musts" as well as tips to assist you when working with the OHR students. It is strongly recommended that all class helpers attend these sessions.
If you attended this session in 2024, there is no necessity to come again, however, please ensure your Working With Children Check is up to date and Heather has a copy. Also, many parents assist teachers by doing tasks at home, which is greatly appreciated. Please let the teachers know if this is you. (No need to complete induction.)
When: Thursday 6th March at 2.30pm -3.10pm TODAY!
Where: To be confirmed depending on numbers
Thanks to all those who have let me know you are coming.
Please RSVP to Lisa Canty
Current Parent Helpers
Please remember to let your child's teacher know if you are able to help out in the classroom and what days, times you are available. Some parents have informed us they are willing to help in any classroom, (not just their own child's room), if this is you, please email me and I will pass on this information to the staff.
Lisa Canty
Student Wellbeing Leader
Math You Can Touch 2025 Creative challenge
This year’s creative challenge is constructing mathematical elements using everyday physical objects (such as household items, objects from nature, or even people). How can you use your creativity to bring mathematics into the real world?
If you'd like to participate by sending in an image of your creation you can email me the image by March 9 and I will upload it or you can go straight to IDM site and submit your image. A gallery with some of the best submissions received by IDM will be shared on the IDM socials.
Some ideas to inspire your thinking...
Happy creating!
Penny Hansen
Mathematics Leader