Child Safe Standards

The new Victorian Child Safe Standards came into effect on 1 July 2022. The 11 new Standards replaced the seven previous Child Safe Standards (and principles) which had been in place since 2016.
The 11 new Victorian Child Safe Standards include:
The purpose of the Engaging Families in Child Safety Policy is to outline the strategies and actions that we have in place at Our Holy Redeemer to ensure that families, carers and other members of the school community are informed about relevant child safety and wellbeing matters and are involved in the promotion of child safety and wellbeing at the school. This Policy takes into account the specific requirements of the Child Safe Standards as set out in Ministerial Order No. 1359.
Child Safe Standards
Our Holy Redeemer School has developed and actively enforces Child Safe Standards to ensure that every person involved in ‘child connected work’ is aware of their obligations and responsibilities for ensuring the safety of all children under their care. In accordance with the requirements of the Victorian Government's Ministerial Order No 1359, Our Holy Redeemer School maintains a culture of ‘no tolerance’ to child abuse. To achieve this it has established a holistic Child Safety Strategy. A link to Our Holy Redeemer’s Child Safety Standards is located on the School’s website. The Standards include the School’s Child Safe Policy.
In accordance with Ministerial Order No 1359, all parent volunteers are required to complete and return to the School Office a signed copy of the Child Safety Code of Conduct. A current Working With Children Check needs to be brought to the Office in order that it can be verified and photocopied. The Card MUST be displayed at all times when volunteering at School in any capacity. Upon expiry of the Working With Children Check, legislation requires that you obtain a new card and have it verified at the school office.
Key Child Safety Documents