Year 5/6 - Newsletter

Dear 5/6  Parents


What a fantastic week the year 6’s had at camp. The weather was perfect, the cabins were spotless and the dance moves were creative! We hope your children had an amazing time and have recounted their adventures to you.


The year 5's had a great week at school. They are almost finished with NAPLAN and are to be commended for their attitude and focus as they have completed the testing.


Important Year 5 Camp Information

  • If you have not returned your Medical Forms or your medication records can you please do this ASAP. Year 5 camp is the 2nd week of next term and we need to have the majority of planning completed before the holidays.


This week in Year 5/6:


In structured literacy we continue to read War Horse and work on our own narratives “Journey to the Unknown”. Most classes are writing their resolution and conclusion focusing on using Mental Verbs and complex sentences. We will be publishing their narratives in the coming weeks.



Students have started our next unit in maths focusing on measuring and finding angles. Students continue to be set tasks in mathletics for follow-up practice.



This week students are using Ahn Do’s experience and books to investigate the push and pull factors that lead to migration. They will be working in small groups to present an in class project on an Australian Refugee.


Dates for your diary:

Tuesday 25th March - ENPS cross-country

Tuesday 1st April - ENPS Walk-a-Thon

Friday 4th April - Last day of Term 1

Term 2

(Week 1 is a 2 day week)

Monday 21st April - Easter Monday

Tuesday 22nd April -Curriculum Day

Friday 25th April - Anzac Day

Wednesday 30th April-Friday 2nd May - Year 5 Camp Forest Edge 


Class Whatsapp Groups


It’s not too late to join our class Whatsapp group. Click on the link to join your class.


ENPS Year 5/6A -

ENPS Year 5/6B -

ENPS Year 5/6C -

ENPS Year 5/6D -

ENPS Year 5/6E -

ENPS Year 5/6F -


As always, thanks for your support and please do not hesitate to email your classroom teacher if you have any questions or concerns.


Year 5/6 Teachers

Celine, Jarrod, Cara, Rachel, Sarah and Michael