Year 3/4 - Newsletter

Dear parents,


We have enjoyed a big couple weeks in Year 3/4 and can’t believe that we are almost at the end of Term 1 - oh how the time flies! We would like to congratulate all our Year 3’s on completing their NAPLAN testing this week and thank our Year 4’s for their support of their Year 3 peers during their NAPLAN sessions. 


This week we also celebrated Harmony Day via a range of activities in our classrooms. It is a day that celebrates the country's rich cultural diversity and promotes inclusivity, respect, and a sense of belonging for everyone. 


What’s been happening in Year 3/4?


We have continued our Structured Literacy Matilda unit this week. Students have worked on building their fluency and confidence reading aloud through partnered and whole class reading. We have continued our exploration of vocabulary, adding some new and interesting words to our classroom word walls and revised some of our prefixes such as pre, meaning before, and re, meaning again. 


This week we have also been working on our typing skills, practicing touch typing using some fun games and websites. 



We have begun our focus on statistics and probability over the last two weeks. We have been learning about what data is, how we can collect it accurately and efficiently and how we can display it using graphing. Last week students came up with their own survey question to ask their classmates, collected their data using tally marks and then created a column or bar graph to show their findings. This week we have been exploring some real life examples of data collection and graphing. We watched the video ‘Wanja Mankaar?’ Or ‘Where is the bilby?’ and learnt about how Martu rangers in real life collect data and use this to help endangered animals and wildlife. 



In our Inquiry unit, ‘I Belong and I can Make a Difference’ we have begun work on our inquiry projects for Term 1. In pairs or small groups, students have been working to come up with an idea for how they could volunteer in our local community and help everyone feel like they belong. We have loved hearing all the wonderful ideas that our students have for ways they can help our local community and can’t wait to see the final presentations in week 10. 



In our Wellbeing lesson we have continued exploring our emotions and learnt about how we can identify and show our personal and cultural strengths every day. This week we read two stories “Somebody’s Land” and “Welcome to Country” both written and illustrated by Aboriginal leaders and community members. We discussed why and how we can respect Country and Traditional Owners and why we do things like our Acknowledgement of Country in our morning meetings. 


Important Information


A reminder that we require 80 minutes of reading a week at home. This is to be recorded in their student diary, signed by a parent or guardian and brought to school on a Friday morning.


We will also set 3 Mathletics on a Friday afternoon. Although these tasks are not compulsory, they are strongly recommended.

We kindly ask that you email your class teacher, or send a note, if your child is unable to complete their homework by Friday morning.



  • Please remind your child to charge their ipad and headphones each night.
  • Term One is a ‘No Hat, No Play’ term so please ensure your child has a clearly named school hat for outside learning and play.
  • Sunscreen needs to be applied before school and students can reapply their own or our class sunscreen before going out to lunch. Please let me know if your child is allergic to our school based sunscreen.
  • Drink Bottles - please make sure your child has a drink bottle with a pop top or folding straw as our drinking taps are currently turned off. Drink bottles that you drink out of like a glass or disposable plastic often cause spillages. 
  • Check COMPASS for any school based communications.


What’s Coming Up!

  • School Cross Country, Tuesday 25th March
  • ENPS Walkathon, Tuesday 1st April


Student Awards

Look out for your class’ individual email Friday afternoon for the SoTW and Student Recognition award shoutouts.


I hope you have a wonderful weekend.


The Level Three/Four Team.