Year 2 - Newsletter

Term 1 Week 8 Year 2 Newsletter
Dear Year 2 parents & guardians,
It’s hard to believe that we are already week 8, leaving only 2 more weeks of term after this week! It has been wonderful seeing all classes settled into their learning routines and making lovely connections with their peers.
The students all enjoyed the excursion to Bundoora Park Farm (albeit a scorcher), they participated in many fun ‘olden day’ activities, including; games, writing with ink pens and churning butter. It was a blast!
What we’ve been up to in the classroom:
- Revisiting the Zones of Regulation and building upon respectful relationship skills in Wellbeing.
- Working hard in literacy by revising Stage 7 Little Learners phonemes (sounds - oral) and graphemes (letters that represent the sounds - written), and exploring homophones.
- Exploring recount texts and beginning to write their own recounts of the Bundoora Park Farm excursion.
- Continuing to build upon knowledge of place value in our maths lessons. Exploring two and three digit numbers, renaming and ordering.
- In Inquiry, we have continued to explore the past and present and how our lives are different from times past. It has been wonderful to read some of the grandparent letters. They have provided many fascinating discussions in class.
- Readers: please continue to try to read every night.
- Show and Tell: please check your child’s day to present.
- Hats: Term 1 is a hat term, so please check your child has their hat at school
- Mathletics tasks are set every Tuesday. These are optional, but a great way of consolidating skills learned in class.
- There are a number of bugs going around at the moment. Please be mindful of this and if your child is unwell keep them home.
Dates for you diary:
Friday April 4th- Last Day of Term (2:30pm finish)
Thank you to the wonderful parent reader helpers and those who helped on the excursion.
Thank you,
The Year 2 team
Nicole Ryan, Belinda Smith, Kate Petty, Jess Rogers & Nikki Jones