News from Brett Toombs

Director of Boarding

It’s hard to believe that we have arrived at the final day of the school year, and some very excited boarders are on their way home. Last Sunday, our community celebrated the final Sunday chapel of the year. This was also an opportunity to farewell our beloved former chaplain Fr Laurie, who will return to Melbourne next year in semi-retirement. Fr Laurie has been part of the Saints community since 2010.


Boarders of the Week Awards

As always, boarders of the week were acknowledged last Sunday. Congratulations to the final recipients of this award for 2024: 


Junior Girls – Allecia Rosendahl and Lilliana Iwikau

Junior Boys – Max Masterman and Thomas King

Senior Girls – Hayley Thomas and Indiana Leighton

Senior Boys -Nazaiah Manuel, Thomas Simms and Peter Neal.


Boarding Spirit Awards

Over the past few weeks, we have presented the Boarding Spirit Awards, bestowed on one boarder in each residence for their outstanding and positive contribution towards boarding in 2024. Congratulations to the following boarders on their well-deserved awards:


Junior Girls Spirit of Ambrose Award – Nadia Nupiri

Junior Boys Spirit of Burke Award – Thomas King

Senior Girls Spirit of Chavoin Award – Lilly See Kee

Senior Boys Spirit of Francois Award – Finn Dryden


Christmas dinner

The boarding community celebrated its traditional Christmas dinner on Tuesday. We were joined by our Brothers' community and staff from St Augustine’s and St Monica’s. As with any function, the Tolle’s team put on an amazing meal, and we were even joined by Santa Claus. This Christmas meal is the perfect way to end the boarding year, as it is a terrific opportunity for the boarders to sit down and have one final meal together before leaving to be with families over the break.


Boarding refurbishment

We are excited about the start of the 2025 school year when Stage 1 of our boarding refurbishment will be completed. This will allow the junior girls to return to Upper Ambrose. Once they leave Lower Ambrose, where they have spent the last two years, work will begin in that residence to complete Stage 2. It is envisioned that the Year 10 boys will be back in Lower Ambrose by the start of Term 2.


Extracurricular boarding activities guidelines

Families, please read and understand our policy on extracurricular boarding activities. In 2025 boarders will again have the opportunity to participate in one external or community activity per term and one school-based activity. This will enable them to successfully combine their academic priorities with their sporting and recreational activities. This information is in the table below and in the Boarding Handbook, which will be mailed to boarding families over the holidays.


Year Levels

External Club Sport 

College Sport

Years 7 - 9Boarders may play only 1 club or team sport and attend a maximum of 2 training sessions a week. They cannot miss more than 2 study sessions a week due to this commitment. Year 9 students are expected to make up the lost time. May play only 1 school sport involving before and after-school training.
Years 10-12Boarders may play only 1 club or team sport and attend a maximum of 2 training sessions a week. Any study missed due to this commitment must be made up following a discussion with the head of residence. May play only 1 school sport  involving before and after-school training.

Final Saturday outing of the year

The final Saturday outing took place last Saturday at Etty Bay, which is always a popular and favourite destination. Students either made their lunch before the outing, or bought it at Etty Bay Café. We look forward to another active and enjoyable Saturday program next year.


Term 1 2025 start-up days

Boarding families will receive information about the new school year over the holidays in a special edition newsletter and a calendar. Some key start-up dates for the return to school are below.



  • All new boarders – 11am welcome and meeting them and their parents or carers.
  • New boarders unpack – 11am to 1pm.
  • REACH boarding software information session for all interested families – Parent information – 3:30pm for new and returning families.
  • St Monica’s College – Orientation program for all new students.
  • St Augustine’s College – All returning boarders in residence from 4 to 8pm.
  • St Monica’s College – All returning boarders in Years 9 and 11 in residence from 4 to 8pm.


  • St Augustine’s College – Classes commence for all students
  • St Monica’s College – Years 7, 9 and 11 students begin school.
  • St Monica’s College – Returning boarders in Years 8, 10 and 12 in residence from 4 to 8pm to start classes the next day.


  • St Monica’s College – Years 8, 10 and 12 students begin school.

2025 Arrivals

While we are all looking forward to the Christmas vacation, planning continues for the new school year. Families, please email return flight details and itineraries to A reminder that all boarders must be in residence the day before school resumes.


Thank you boarding families

As our boarders head home and look forward to spending the Christmas holidays with loved ones, I thank our wonderful families for the trust and support you've extended to boarding staff in 2024. It has been another fulfilling year, and I wish you a most enjoyable and safe Christmas period.