Class Snapshot (2/3)

The Good Samaritan
Year 2 /3 have been learning about the story of the Good Samaritan. We discussed the parable's true message and unpacked the story using the Three Worlds of the Text model. The Three Worlds of the Text consist of The World behind the text, which explores what was going on when the text was written, The World of the Text looks at what the text is saying and the World in front of the text examines what it means for us today.
Students responded to the following question; Who is my neighbour?
You will find their responses below:
My neighbour is everyone. (Ezra)
My neighbour is someone who needs my help. (Braxton)
My neighbour is someone I've had a fight with. (Ellie)
My neighbour is someone who has been mean to me. (Emma)
My neighbout is someone that I've had an arguement with. (Greta)
My neighbour is a little girl who scraped herself. (Kaley)
My neighbour is someone I've had a fight with. (Toby)
My neigbour is someone who needs my help. (Avery)
My neigbour is someone I have helped. (Ivy)
My neighbour is someone who is very kind to me (Xavier)
My neighbour is someone who has fallen over or has been hurt. (Emily)
My neighbour is someone who helps me when I am hurt. (Molly)
My neighbour is someone who is kind even when you least expect it. (Reishi)
My neighbour is someone who has been mean to me. (Grayson)
My neigbour is someone who lives next to my house. (Ollie)
My neigbour is someone who is angry at me and someone who I have been angry with.
My neighbour is someone who needs my help. (Harvey)
My neighbour is someone who sits beside me. (Lincoln)
My neigbour is someone who is nice to me. (Jackson)
My neighbour is everyone! (Lily)