From the Principal

We are almost at the Long Weekend, it has been a very busy start to the term, it is about to get busier. Please make sure you keep up to date with all the current/future events. Just a note for parents, I will be taking Long Service Leave in about a month, I will be out of office from Friday 29th of November and returning on December 12th for the Year 6 graduation. Ms Danielle George will be Acting Principal during this time and she will be well supported by our School Leadership Team.
Please be aware that the school will be closed on Monday, November 4th and Tuesday, November 5th for the Melbourne Cup long weekend.
We are going GAGA!!
The GAGA pit was installed today. It will be ready for use tomorrow. A huge thank you to the Parents and Friends for their contributions through funds raised this year.
Prep Transition:
This morning we held our first 2025 Prep transition. We had some nervous but excited Preps. They settled really well, we can't wait to see them again in 2 weeks at the next transition session.
Remembrance Day: Items for sale:
Just a note to families that we do have some items on sale for Remembrance Day. These items can be paid for and collected at the front desk.
Working Bee:
Just a reminder for families that we do have a working bee on Saturday morning starting at 9:00am. If you have tools that would help in putting up a small shed can you please bring them along. We will also be putting together a few more garden beds and spreading mulch near the chicken coop.
STM Community Picnic:
We will be holding our annual STM Picnic on Thursday 21st of November. The event will run from 5:30pm-8:00pm. This has been a really well attended event over previous years and it would be great to see lots of families there again. I will send an Operoo out for families early next week.
Year 6 Fun Day:
On Thursday 28th of November, our Year 6 students are heading out on their Year 6 Fun Day. This year they have chosen Time Zone at Eastland. It is sure to be heaps of fun. There will be an Operoo sent out early next week for Year 6 families to approve.
Year 2 Fun Night:
On Friday 29th of November, we will be holding our Year 2 Fun Night here at school. An Operoo has been sent out already for the families in year 2.
Well done Beau!!!!
Well done to Beau (Yr 5) who has qualified for the Victorian State Athletics Carnival. Beau will be racing in the 100m and 200m events. STM is behind you Beau!
All Saints Day Mass:
Families are invited to our whole school mass tomorrow (Friday, November 1st). We will be celebrating one of the holy days of obligation "All Saints Day". The mass will begin at 9am in the Parish Church.
Free Dress Day!
On Wednesday 6th of November the students are invited to wear Free Dress for a Gold coin donation. All money raised will be donated to Caritas Australia.
Class Structure for 2025:
Principal: Declan McDermott
Deputy Principal: Danielle George
REL: Marcia Janky
Numeracy Leader: Belinda Saville
Learning Diversity Leader: Donna Anderton
Prep / 1 - Teacher - Joanne Piaser - LSO Staff - Kelly Schmidt, Kiara Wynn, Jayde Walton
Grade Two - Teacher - Grace Hiosan - LSO Staff - Kiara Wynn, Jayde Walton
Grade Three - Teacher - Katherine McLoughlin (M, T, W) and Lakota Dugan (Th, F) - LSO Staff - Lisa Norris, Wendy Clair, Jacqui Cook and Sharon Stow
Grade Four / Five - Teacher - Marcia Janky (M, T, W) and Belinda Saville (Th, F) - LSO Staff - Robyn Auld and Jackie Glen
Grade Five / Six - Teacher - Jessica Jones (4 days) and Belinda Saville (Tuesday) - LSO Staff - Carolyn Eekleschot and Jackie Glen
Art Teacher: Donna Anderton
PE and Performing Arts: Jeanette Wicks
Japanese: Kaori Bawden
Graduation Letter:
This letter was sent to our Year 6 families in relation to the Graduation Period.
School Fees 2025:
Please see below the Fee schedule for 2025. As mentioned in the newsletter last term there is an increase in fees. If families need assistance with fees, please never hesitate to contact me. We are very flexible with families. There will be more information about setting up payment plans and direct debits in coming week
Catholic School Funding Model - Explained for Parents:
Zooper Dooper sales:
Can be purchased for $1 each Friday (starting tomorrow)
Inform and Empower: Tackling Tricky Conversations
This webinar has been paid for by the school. I strongly encourage families to register. Even if you cannot attend on the evening, you will receive the recording link.
Thank you and God bless
Declan McDermott