
TERM 4, Week 2

This week the children were very excited to have a visit from the police. We had two police officers come and talk to the children about what police officers do to keep people in our community safe. The children prepared some interesting questions to ask such as, “What is your favourite part about being a police officer?” We also had lots of questions about baddies and robbers. They were all very excited to see and feel a police officer’s badge. We may have some future police officers after this visit. The children enjoyed receiving their own activity book which they could take home and complete.


We have started our new investigations. It was wonderful to see the children explore many of these new areas including the supermarket, bank, zoo and gems lab. We also have a listening post where children can listen to stories, and box construction which is always a popular area for our creative kids to explore. 


In maths we have been learning new words to describe locations and directions. Some of these words are left, right, beside, behind, under and over. The children had fun using cards to match pictures of locations to the corresponding positions.


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