Teaching and Learning

As the end of term 4 approaches the college moves to focus on final assessments, examinations and celebrations.
Our Middle Years cohort will complete their Common Assessment Tasks and then engage in an array of exciting excursions and internal programs, which continue to develop and consolidate key knowledge, social skills and community engagement.
In Innovations and Careers classes, year 9 and 10 students are now preparing for their upcoming exams. Revision tasks and activities have been designed to support student understanding of exam questions and the study skills needed to revise key knowledge.
Our senior students are finishing their semester two exams and have commenced their Step Up program, beginning their classes and course work for 2025. Our Step Up program contains essential coursework from the 2025 curriculum, which students must complete as part of their preparation for Term 1 and overall assessment. We would like to thank our students for the efforts they have been putting into their learning as they ready to finish off the school year.
We also would like to wish our 2024 graduating class the very best of luck with their final examinations and plans for 2025!
Taryn Godley
Assistant Principal - Curriculum and Pedagogy
Performing Arts
This Spring, the Performing Arts Department has continued to be bustling with activity, showcasing the incredible talents of our students!
This Semester our Year 7 and 8 Drama students have continued to impress us with their creativity and talent. They dived into "Whodunnit Theatre," crafting and performing thrilling mysteries while building teamwork and storytelling skills. Through "Expressive Skills Performances," they explored voice, movement, and emotion to bring characters and stories to life on stage.
Looking ahead, we’re thrilled to offer an expanded Drama program in 2025, with new selective subjects for Year 9 and 10. These will provide even more opportunities for students to deepen their love of performance and creativity. Stay tuned for what’s next!
Review of: "Seussical Jr."
When we first joined Seussical JR, we didn't think we’d make as many friends as we did. Everyone had their own unique and colourful personality which made our experience in the musical that much more fun and enjoyable. As well as it being fun, we also learnt a lot of important things along the way about singing, acting and dancing in large groups and working as a team with the help of Andy and Cam (The Directors), who were our top supporters the entire way through. We also learnt a lot about art, and created a colourful setting with Mel (Set Designer), which helped us enhance our creative skills along with keeping us busy and having fun. Our favourite part of all this was when we completed our first ever show to Harvest Home Primary School. The relief and pride we felt after the show made us ecstatic and bubbling with excitement for shows to come. We made a lot of memories along the way and are hoping to make that much more for future productions to come! - Esha & Tina, Production Leaders
End of Year Music Events
As the year draws to a close, our school has celebrated its incredible musical talents with a series of memorable events. In October, The Senior School Soiree showcased the skill and artistry of our senior musicians through beautiful solos and lively ensembles. In November the SRC-organised our inaugural Battle of the Bands competition, bringing high-energy performances and friendly competition. Finally, the End-of-Year All-Stars Concert gave the whole music department a final opportunity to showcase their hard work throughout the year. Thank you to everyone who made these events such a success!
Instrumental Music Program Update
All of our Performing Arts events throughout the year would not be possible without the Instrumental Music Program running consistently, and thanks to the dedication of our teachers it continues to grow in popularity. We are pleased to offer returning families and students the opportunity for early enrolment in 2025 to secure their place. There are updates to prices, lesson length choices, and the terms and conditions, so please review the form here carefully and then submit your preference. Looking forward to another great year of music making in 2025!
During Humanities this semester our students have engaged in many exciting excursions to supplement their learning.
Year 10 Politics
As part of our Politics and Ethics unit- ‘What Makes Australia?’ students studied changes in Australia’s immigration patterns, policies and political parties. A select group of our year 10 students were provided with the opportunity to further their understanding through a visit to the Immigration Museum and State Library of Victoria. Here students were able to study different perspectives and experiences of immigration, the push and pull factors behind migration and how Australia’s immigration policies compare to other countries. Students were then able to bring this knowledge back to the classroom and share what they had learnt with their classmates through an ethical discussion focused on the changes that they would like to see in society today.
Year 11 Sociology
Our year 11 Sociology class during Unit 2 AoS2 looked at the topic of Crime in Australia. To help supplement their key knowledge and skills, students went to the Melbourne Gaol to answer the question 'What is the true purpose of punishment in Australia?'
Students determined the sentencing of a young man in a court case that they re-enacted. They then needed to determine if jail is always the right answer and then took a tour of the gaol itself to investigate Australia's historical reaction to crime. This helped to reinforce students' knowledge of the purpose of punishment in Australia, the aims of punishment in Australia, recidivism, and alternative sentencing to prisons (like community based services).
Book Week
The 19th - 23rd of August was an opportunity to celebrate reading and the importance of literacy. It was great to see a range of students from Year 7-9 participate in the activities. We had a range of activities each day; students participated in a Book Cover Re-Design, a Creative Writing Activity, a Guess the teacher's favourite book quiz, a Book Review Writing Task, and a Book Trivia Quiz.
The following students have received a certificate and QBD bookshop voucher for their efforts and engagement in the Book Week activities.
- Sritharsikan S in 7D
- Xavier S in 7D
- Aiden D in 7E
- Priya A in 8J
- Shivender J in 9A
- Timothy A in 9J
Congratulations to our Book Week winners!
Senior School
On Tuesday 29th October, our second-ever Year 12 cohort sat their VCAA external English examination. We are so proud of the organisation, dedication and commitment shown by our students to their studies in the last few weeks, and thank them for their effort and determination in the exam. It was great to see lots of positivity and joy as students emerged from the first of several exams, and we wish students the best for their upcoming results and ATAR release next month.
Our Year 11 and 10 cohorts are busily working through study and exams before commencing their Step Up 2025 program. A reminder that for students enrolled in VCE, purchase of the booklisted English texts prior to next year is essential so that students can complete required homework and assigned reading over the holidays. All information regarding booklists and English curriculum information will be made available on students' 2025 Google Classroom, and please keep an eye on your Compass newsfeed for links to purchase booklisted texts.
In Science this semester, students have had the opportunity to apply theory to practice though a number of excursions.
Year 11 Chemistry students took the opportunity to visit EcoLinc to apply concepts and analytical techniques learned in Unit 2 Area Of Study 2 to the real world context of water quality, and what can cause its decline. Students had the opportunity to use equipment used by professionals to analyse water from different sites along the Marybynong River, and make judgments about human impacts on our freshwater supplies.
Students participating in the Year 10 Biology elective recently visited Whittlesea Tech School as part of their investigation into growing antibiotic resistance and the natural remedies that may be part of the solution to the problem. Students selected a natural remedy, such as manuka honey, ground cumin and various essential oils, based on existing background research. At Whittlesea Tech, students had the opportunity to test their remedy on two strains of bacteria, and observe the effect the remedy had. This data will be used to help support their creation of a scientific poster communicating their results.
Year 9 students will be visiting EcoLinc next week as part of their Ecosystems unit. Whilst there students will have the opportunity to learn about and engage with local wildlife from experts, deepening their understanding of Victorian grasslands and the interactions between living and non-living factors.
This year we are continuing the end of year tradition of our Year 7 cohort going to the zoo as part of their Ecosystems unit, and Year 8 cohort travelling to Scienceworks as a part of their Light and Sound unit. A reminder to all parents and guardians to ensure you have paid and consented by the due dates to ensure your student/s are able to participate in these wonderful events!