Senior School Report

Message from the AP - Senior School
Term 4 has been busy for Senior School students and teams Year 10-12, with our students engaged in end of year examinations, Step Up Programs from their current academic year to the next level of academic challenge. Our Year 11s are currently completing their Step Up Program, in readiness for the challenges of Year 12 2025, and our current Year 10s are completing their final exams today before they start their Step Up into Year 11 VCE or VM programs next week.
The final weeks of Year 12 were a special time in the lives of our Year 12 students, where we got to celebrate the Class of 2024 as they finished their time at Edgars Creek Secondary college and the completion of 13 years of schooling. Many of our students choose to decorate their shirts with both meaningful and fun messages from friends and staff - creating a memorable souvenir to look back on in future years.
Year 12 Celebration Morning
Marking the occasion, our Year 12 students dressed in fancy dress and engaged in a range of fun activities and a slide show of photos from Years 7-12. The day was great fun and was a nice way to say goodbye while letting off some much-needed steam!
Graduation Night
The Year 12 graduation night was held for the first time at Millpark Secondary Theatre due to our gymnasium undergoing repairs. The night was a great success with over 450 graduates, parents and families attending to see our class of 2024 receive their college graduation certificate.
Shortly after the celebration events, the Year 12 VCE exams commenced. Following recent tradition, the three-hour English exam was the first official written exam. In the past, this has been the exam that brings about the most anxiety. However, this year this was not the case. Students seemed to strut out with confidence and big smiles across their faces! This is certainly a testament to their hard work over recent months and the numerous practice exams that had prepared them for this momentous occasion.
As the Year 12s have now completed their exams, we can now look forward to their Valedictory Celebrations on Friday 6th December. This is always a happy time of celebration with the students and their families / supporters, as we get to celebrate their achievements and send them off to their post school lives.
Congratulations to our Class of 2024! It has been an incredible pleasure working with you this year and we can’t wait to see all the good you are going to do in the world.
Glen Cowan
Assistant Principal - Senior School
Year 12 Update
As Term 4 draws to a close, we take a moment to celebrate the incredible achievements and milestones reached by our Year 12 students. This final term has been a culmination of hard work, dedication, and memorable moments, marking the end of a significant chapter in their educational journey.
Key Achievements and Highlights - Term 4
This term has highlighted the importance of hard work, resilience, and commitment. Year 12 students have demonstrated consistent effort and focus throughout the year, tackling challenges and working towards their goals.
The term has also included key events and milestones that showcase the dedication and achievements of the Year 12 cohort. Some keys events of this term included:
- Celebration day: A day of fun, reflection, and recognition, where students celebrated their achievements and cherished the bonds formed over the years.
- Graduation evening: It was wonderful to see students, families, and teachers together to celebrate the culmination of 13 years of schooling. The evening was a true testament to the hard work and growth of every student.
- Year 12 exams: Completing these final assessments showcased the students' perseverance and dedication to their studies. Well done to all who gave their best!
Upcoming Events and Reminders
- Valedictory evening: for Families who have consented a reminder the year 12 Valedictory evening is on the 6th December. This is a formal celebration of the achievements and milestones of our Year 12 students.
- ATAR results: Results will be available from 7:00 am on 12th December. Students can register to access their results via this website:
- Change of preferences (TAFE and university): Jacqueline Hunter will be available at Edgars Creek on the 23rd and 24th December if students need assistance to change a university or TAFE preference. Jacqueline Hunter will send further information closer to the date regarding this as required.
To the Class of 2024: thank you for your contributions to the school community. Best wishes as you move forward, and congratulations on completing a significant year in your education.
Year 11 Update
As the year comes to a close, it’s time to reflect on the achievements and activities of our Year 11 students, who have shown great focus and effort throughout Term 4.
Highlights from Term 4
- Final exams: Year 11 students worked hard to prepare for and complete their final exams. Well done to everyone for their commitment and determination during this important period.
- Step-Up program: Students have started their transition into Year 12 through the Step-Up Program, laying the foundation for a strong start to 2025.
- VCE-VM community project: Our VCE-VM students have been busy building their garden beds as part of their community project, developing garden beds. This hands-on work reflects their dedication to teamwork and giving back to the school community.
Reminders for VCE students over the holidays!
To start 2025 on the right track, make sure to:
- Complete all holiday homework before returning to school.
- Get your materials and resources organised, so you are ready to begin the year.
Congratulations on finishing Year 11! Take a well-deserved break over the holidays, but also use some time to prepare for the year ahead. We look forward to seeing you in 2025, ready to start Year 12.
Year 10 Update
Year 10 Formal
On the 13th of September, Year 10 students celebrated the Year 10 Formal at the Grande Reception in Epping. The night was a great success with students dancing all night. At the photo booth, students were able to capture memories they will cherish forever. There were also awards presented on the night including our Year 10 King and Queen, as voted by their peers, and Best Dancer, voted by the teachers. The feedback from staff and students was that the night was definitely one to remember!
Year 10 Esports Tournament
To reward students for a successful year, and to support students to continue with their positive attitude towards school, the Year 10 team hosted an Esports Tournament. This provided all students the opportunity to compete against each other in a fun yet fierce Mario Kart Tournament. It was great to see the cohort gather around and cheer each other on. The winner of the tournament received a JB Hi-Fi voucher to celebrate their success.
Year 10 Careers Update
The Year 10’s had an exciting opportunity funded by the College to attend Swinburne University in November, where they explored the university grounds, participated in lectures, and participated in hands-on workshops which provided them the experience needed to make educated decisions about their future.