Year Seven

Humanities - Exploring Ancient Australia
This term, our Year 7 students have embarked on an exciting journey through the fascinating history of Ancient Australia. As part of their Humanities curriculum, they have been exploring the rich cultural heritage of Australia’s First Nations peoples, including their unique lifestyles, spiritual beliefs, and enduring connections to the land.
Students are also learning to think like historians by developing their inquiry questions as part of their assessment. Through this process, they identify topics they’re curious about—such as ancient tools, Dreamtime stories, traditional hunting and gathering practices, and the impact of colonisation—and learn to research and analyse information. By crafting thoughtful questions, our Year 7s are practising critical thinking and building skills to guide them in future research projects.
We’re incredibly proud of the students' engagement and curiosity as they uncover the deep history of Ancient Australia, and we can’t wait to see the insights they’ll present at the end of the unit!
Athlete Development Program
Our students have been diving into what it takes to be an athlete, engaging in various activities that cover essential skills and knowledge for peak performance. They’ve participated in physical testing, studied effective recovery methods, and planned nutritious meals, which they will prepare in our Food Tech room. Students also attended a skills session with Coach Jack and Coach Apple from the Melbourne Volleyball Academy, gaining valuable insights from such experienced coaches. We have plans to expand the program beyond secondary school further. If you have a child interested in learning what it takes to be an athlete or have a passion for volleyball, please feel free to contact Mr. Bliss for more information.
Big Strides in Our Music Program: Growing Talent and Exciting Performances
Our music program is flourishing this year with remarkable participation and student engagement strides across Years 7, 8, and 9. Students are introduced to fundamental concepts through engaging classroom music sessions and given opportunities to explore instruments and group performances. This foundation has led many to join our expanding instrumental and band programs, sparking even more enthusiasm for music.
We’re proud to announce the formation of three unique school bands, each reflecting our students' diverse talents and interests. These bands have been actively preparing for several exciting performances, including our Information Evening, and both the Grade 6 and Year 9 Graduations. These events will showcase the students' hard work, musical skills, and the vibrant energy that the music program brings to our school community. We look forward to seeing these students shine on stage and continuing to build a robust and creative music culture!
Visual Communication
Our Year 7 students have embarked on an exciting journey in Visual Communications this term, creating their first design portfolios! Through this project, students explored fundamental design principles and learned how to communicate visually using colour, layout, and composition. From visual research to using design software, each student developed unique projects that showcase their creativity and new skills.
Image by Imeth Mohottige
Image by Manahil Mansoor