Year Three

Dear Year Three Community,


What a jam packed few weeks we have had! Seeing the growth in all areas of their learning has been such a rewarding sight to see.



In Reading, students have been exploring different literacy devices to help understand how these can bring our writing to life, such as alliteration, rhyme and onomatopoeia. They also conducted an Author Study on children's author Pamela Allen who has written over 50 children's books, with the intention of inspiring students by her writing techniques. Additionally, they have been exposed to the importance of tier 3 language and note taking. These skills aim to support our students with researching their topic related to information report writing about ecosystems. Reciprocal Teaching, where students are assigned specific roles in small groups reading the same text, has been a success this Term, as students read and actively engage in discussion and reflection on a regular basis to improve their reading comprehension skills.



In Writing, we have been focusing on increasing our punctuation skills and script writing in preparation for the recent Student Led Conferences that were held. Children enjoyed practising their scripts for the conference, using their speaking and listening skills. They have also been introduced to information report writing, their features and researching important facts that they could utilise in their information reports. Students have been writing their own information reports about ecosystems, following the writing process through planning, drafting, revising and and editing to ensure they produce their best writing.



In Mathematics, students have been enjoying learning about the different concept areas of measurement and geometry, including length and shapes using formal units of measurement. Students have been learning and applying their knowledge of formal units, measuring and comparing different objects. Where possible, their learning has been hands on which has really motivated and engaged the students and contributed to some fantastic growth.


We recently concluded our Fifth unit of Inquiry where all students made a construction that incorporated a simple machine of their  choice. It was incredible to see their imaginations at play and the different designs they built!  Our Sixth and final unit of Inquiry has now commenced with a Provocation excursion to the Crocodile Park where students were encouraged to explore and locate living and non living things that exist within that environment. Following the provocation, students unpacked the Central Idea, 'Components of ecosystems are interdependent', and were introduced to the different ecosystems and how  the components of these  make up communities of life in an area. With Reading and Writing lessons being embedded with our final Inquiry unit, students are receiving multiple exposures about ecosystems and the different components within. 



-Werribee Zoo excursion details are now out on XUNO. 

-Students are expected to bring their fully charged iPads to school every day. 

-Late arrivals (8:40 am onwards) require a late pass from the office.

-School hats are compulsory for all students to wear during recess and lunch this term, 

-Please make sure all student absences are recorded on XUNO.


Kind Regards,

Year Three Teaching Team.

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