Year One
Year One
Dear Year One Community,
In Reading, students have continued to read a variety of non-fiction texts connected to our Unit of Inquiry and have been learning to summarise. Students have been given opportunities to use non-fiction text features such as subheadings, the contents page and bolded keywords to help them form a short summary of the information they learned in their own words. Students have been accessing texts from classroom libraries and the online apps, Epic and PM Readers.
In Writing students have completed our Year One investigation into persuasive writing and are now moving into the creative writing genre of ‘Narratives’. Students are revising their knowledge of the elements and text features that make up a narrative using Fairy Tales and picture prompts. We are excited to see where our narrative writing takes us during the remainder of Term Four!
In Maths students have started to focus on the concept of Fractions. To begin, students are building on their knowledge of sharing items or amounts equally and recognising equal and unequal parts. Students are learning to recognise halves and quarters, with some extending to eighths. We have been using shapes, paper folding, and real-world scenarios such as sharing pizza and cookies to demonstrate our understanding of fractions.
In Inquiry, we have concluded our fifth Unit of Inquiry by allowing our students to demonstrate their knowledge of habitats and the adaptations that support animal survival by creating their own animal for a chosen habitat. After a highly engaging unit of work, we are looking forward to diving into our final unit for the year, Unit of Inquiry 6 ‘How the World Works’.
Kind regards,
The Year One Team.