Digital Technologies

Following on from this newsletter two weeks ago, social media and the impact on our children continues to be a hot topic. I was asked by many parents during the Student Conferences if we as staff have been asked by the government our opinions on age limits etc in regards to the social media ban. We have not been asked or contacted. It will be interesting to see if this will happen, or if any schools or educators will be asked to give their expert opinions.
There was an intersting article in the Herald Sun last week by Jill Sweatmen who is a neuroscience strategist. She wrote about how social media is impacting childrens' brains negatively. She wrote:
"We cannot plead ignorance any longer. The academic and mental health results on the impact of social media on our young people are indisputable. The allure and compulsive overuse of social media by our children, of all ages, is having a profound effect on their brains."
"Our children's brains do not have the luxury of time. The foundations of brain development are programmed to occur at particular ages yet these are being delayed and the consequences mounting."
"The compulsion to scroll, click and remain absorbed in yet another video is changing the structure of the brain at the expense of the crucial executive part which regulates focus and attention, self control of behaviour and emotion, reasoning and decision making."
The article contained more interesting points about social media and children. This was just one of many articles printed and on the news over the past few weeks.
Just a reminder that all students in Years 3-6 must have their own headphones at school ready to use. These can include ear buds. Many students no longer have their own and are borrowing spares constantly. Whilst this is okay on the odd occassion, students do require their own for class work and in STEM.
Prep - Year 2 students use the headphones that were purchased in Prep as part of their book list.
Any questions or help please email me at
Nadine Jones
E Learning Leader
STEMMS Teacher