P & F Newsletter

Special Food Day
It's a Subway Food Day!
Wednesday 30th of October will be a Subway Food Day.
This term we're trialling a new way to ensure the students are aware of an upcoming food day. Prep-Grade 2 would have received a hard copy flyer in their mailbag and Grades 3-6 will receive a soft copy flyer in their Google drive.
Use CDF Pay to place your orders by midnight on Tuesday 22/10/2024 (sorry late orders cannot be accepted).
Please ensure you receive an email confirmation from CDF. If you do not receive an order confirmation, your child will not be catered for.
Our P&F Food Day Coordinator is Megan Madonna (Elise 3P and Rowan Prep B). Any queries can be directed to Megan on 0422 504 775.
P & F Committee
Bunnings BBQ - Saturday 26th October
We will be holding our annual Bunnings BBQ fundraiser at Bunnings - Vermont South, on Saturday 26th October. Thank you to Dan Savoia for running the event this year. Volunteers are needed, please sign up here.
Mango Fundraiser
Friday Treats
Icy Poles are back for Friday Treats this term! Icy poles are available on Friday afternoons at recess from the community centre for 50c each.
Emily Bent has kindly organised this but requires volunteers to help sell them on Fridays. Volunteers are needed for 1.50pm to around 2.30pm to treat the kids and give them a canteen experience. A small way to help our fundraising efforts and your kids will love to see you there! If you can help please sign up here.