Student of the Week

Week 5
Eliana Koonjbeharry - Congratulations Eliana, you have had a wonderful start to Term 4! I have been very impressed with your whiteboard work where you have been focused and determined. You have also been displaying lovely listening skills. I love the way you have been sitting during mat time and have been following instructions. Keep up the amazing work Eliana!
Oscar Murtagh - For being a reading rockstar and a writing whizz. Well done!
Lenny Deuchar - It is wonderful to see you working independently to sound out words in writing. Brilliant problem solving Lenny!
Anya Sappl - Congratulations Anya, you are an absolute super star! You always display the school values and show the greatest respect to your peers and teachers. We are very lucky to have you in 1M!
Lucy Congues - Lucy, you consistently display our Monty school values of Compassion, Courage, Curiosity and Connection. You are a good friend to others and a positive role model in the classroom. Well done!
Zach Hayne - Congratulations, Zach! Your clever thinking, kindness and respect make you a joy to have in our classroom every day. Your resilience and dedication shine through, and you’re truly a role model for everyone around you. Keep up the fantastic work!
Rory Sinclair - For your engagement and enthusiasm with our class novel Charlotte’s Web this term. You have read with great expression and fluency. We have been impressed with your vocabulary definitions and your comprehension. Well done superstar!
Annie Roberts - Well done Annie, on your enthusiastic approach to learning! You demonstrate care and commitment to complete tasks to a pleasing standard and actively participate in our class discussions. Keep up the amazing work!
Marnie De Blacquiere-Clarkson - For your persistence during cooking class! I am so proud of you Marnie for always trying your best, and challenging yourself in so many different ways. Keep up the great work!
Joe Bansal - For consistently displaying determination, focus and a positive demeanour in the classroom.
Rio Santa Maria - We can always rely on you to show kindness to anyone, to work well with anyone and to be a friend to everyone. Thank you for making our classroom such a special and inclusive place.
Skyla Bunney - I am so proud of you for the hard work and effort you have been putting into your maths work, using strategies that work best for you!
Abby Peterson - Abby, well done on showing perserverence when developing 'The Weed Picker'. Some of the best inventions take time, and you trusted the process!
Ryleigh Schaerer - Congratulations on your outstanding achievement of making it to State Athletics for triple jump, Ryleigh! Not only are we incredibly proud of you for making it to such a high level, but we’re also inspired by your humility and sportsmanship. These admirable qualities shine through in the classroom, where you are a kind and caring friend to all. Keep up the amazing work, Ryleigh—you’re a wonderful example to those around you!
Cody McMillan - Cody, it is wonderful to see you extend yourself during Maths. Keep up the great work!
Amelie Sappl - Hard working and versatile, no problem she can't grapple. With a beautiful brain and bright big smile, we all adore Amelie Sappl. Well done on your amazing work, especially in Maths!
Esha Kandasamy - Well done for putting in your best efforts all year, Esha!
Julian Shaw - Congratulations, Julian! With maturity and kindness well beyond your years, you are a softly spoken, wise soul whose thoughtfulness shines in every moment. Your gentle wisdom and caring nature make you an inspiring presence in our class. You’re an exceptional human being and I look forward to hearing of personal, social and academic successes from now and in your future years. We all admire and appreciate you, dear Julio!