Health & P.E.

This week in P.E, the Foundation - Year 2 students learnt a new team game called chains. This game focuses on aiming and throwing. If the students successfully throw the beanbag in the 1st hoop, they are able to steel a link from another team and attach it to their chain. The team that has the longest chain at the end are the winners. This was such a fun game, the students have already requested to play it again!
An additional new game we learnt is called 'Protect the Castle'. Again, the focus being throwing and aiming for the castle cones. Four knights are selected to protect the castle from being knocked down. What a fun team game this is involving, throwing, aiming, defending, protecting and attacking!
Basketball Star Academy
We are incredibly thankful to Daniel and Ash from Basketball Star Academy for providing every student at Montmorency Primary the opportunity to get a basketball clinic in P.E this week. The students have been looking forward to this all week and were so grateful for this session. They had a blast!
Student Testimonials
Jaxon - 5/6Y: "I love all my P.E sessions, they are all fun, even surprisingly things like netball which I didn't think I would like. My absolute favourite have been the footy and basketball clinics".
Alex - 5/6Y: "I loved Bike Ed the most, it was my favourite and having Mrs Costa as my P.E coach, it is the best!".
Mason- 5/6S: "Everything is very fun; we get to do a wide range of sports, and we have plenty of opportunities in P.E. Basketball is my favourite sport; I really enjoyed the clinic we had".
Ana- 5/6S: "I really enjoyed the Athletics Carnival because I had a chance to win and if I didn't succeed all I had to do was try my best and give another event a go".
William - 1P: "I loved the soccer clinic we had because I really love soccer and it was so much fun!".
Nina- 1P: "My favourite game we play is called 'snatch' where you have to grab the cone before your partner. It is so exciting and I love versing my partner".
Eden- 2W: "I love everything about P.E. My favourite game to play is Cross The Golden River, it is so fun".
Molly- 2W: "I really enjoyed Kaboom Sports Day, it was the first time we ever did it and I liked the parachute activity the most".
Sophie- 3/4C: "I loved the soccer clinics because I like getting to know people more on my team and it makes me really fit. I also won Cross Country and it made me so happy".
Eliza- 3/4C: "Skittles is my favourite game because it is so exciting and a fun team game, our class loves to play it".
Mrs Natalie Costa
P.E Specialist Teacher