From the Principal

I have been really proud of the way our students have settled back into school after the holidays. As I move through the classes the students seem engaged and enjoying their learning experiences which is a great sight. I want to highlight the amazing sportsmanship and effort our senior sports athletes showed last week. Stories of team work and determination have been shared. They really did represent our school with pride. Well done seniors.
We had an amazing morning today with our Grandparents Mass and morning activities. I thank all of the special people for making an effort today. I know not everyone could be here in person and I am sure there were lots of Grandparents here with us in spirit. There will be more information and photos from the day in next week's newsletter.
This week we have welcomed a new family into the STM community. Ivy in Year 2 and her family have made the move to our wonderful school. We welcome them and I hope they have a wonderful experience at St Thomas More.
October is known as the month of the Rosary in the Catholic Church. For families wanting to know more about this please see the video below.
Junior Information Evening:
On October 22nd at 6:30pm we are hosting a Junior Information Evening for all Prep 2025 - Year 3 2025 families. This evening will unpack how the junior school will run in 2025, introduce the 2025 Junior teaching staff (Prep - Year 3) and also provide some details on the successes of our approach to reading with families, the science behind our reading approach and how you can support your child at home. The evening will also go through Prep 2025 transition details. If you would like to discuss this evening further or have any questions please speak to myself or Deputy Principal, Danielle George.
Class Structure for 2025:
As mentioned last term, in 2025 our school will increase to five classes. These 5 classes will be:
Prep / 1
Grade Two
Grade Three
Grade Four / Five
Grade Five / Six
Class teachers and LSO staff for each class will be announced to the community next week.
Graduation Letter:
This letter was sent to our Year 6 families in relation to the Graduation Period.
School Closure:
Just a reminder that the school will be closed on Monday 21st of October. The staff will be undertaking Professional Learning on this day, the school will also be closed on Monday, November 4th and Tuesday, November 5th for the Melbourne Cup long weekend.
School Fees 2025:
Please see below the Fee schedule for 2025. As mentioned in the newsletter last term there is an increase in fees. If families need assistance with fees, please never hesitate to contact me. We are very flexible with families. There will be more information about setting up payment plans and direct debits in coming week
Zooper Dooper sales:
Can be purchased for $1 each Friday (starting tomorrow)
Inform and Empower: Tackling Tricky Conversations
This webinar has been paid for by the school. I strongly encourage families to register. Even if you cannot attend on the evening, you will receive the recording link.
Thank you and God bless
Declan McDermott