Year 5/6

We are more than half way through Term 3 and time has absolutely flown! We have been flat out in 5/6 with lots of fun activities, learning and sporting events including the Mini Olympics, District Athletics, Book Week celebrations, an Indigenous dance incursion and Science Week!
Here are some of our favourite things that we have been learning about this term: Some favourite parts about our book, Us Mob Walawarru:
- Darcy → Figuring out how fast time went when they went to the homestead because it was interesting about what happened to Ruby’s parents.
- Ella → My favourite part was we got to learn some of the ways of Aboriginals and it was actually true, not made up. This was my favourite part because I got to learn more about Aboriginal culture.
- Charlton → I like when she moved to Big Sky Station because I liked learning about Neena’s story and how she learns about everything around her.
- Tahlia → My favourite past of the book has been when they went to Tulu for sport because we got to know some of their family and other characters.
- Sophie → My favourite part of the book was when we learnt about Ruby’s parents because it combined our theories and put all the information together and we understood more about Ruby’s background.
- Arturo → When Ruby went to Tulu because she was interested in all of the buildings.
- Hunter → My favourite part is Neena’s backstory because it really explained how bad it was to be an Aboriginal in the 1940’s-1960’s.
- Chelsea → finding out more interesting stuff about the book.
- Edie → My favourite part of has been the story about Ruby's parents because it explains a lot of stuff that was previously unknown.
- Teddy → My favourite part of the story has been about what it was like to be an Aboriginal person in the 1960's- it was a lot different to how everyone else was treated and how they overcame some of their challenges.
- Harriette → I liked the part where they left the station because it was interesting and she is in a new area and learning new things.
- Abbi → My favourite part was when she met Tyson because she reached her goal of being with a strong Indigenous man.
- Bailey → I liked when they have been telling the stories in the book because I liked learning about their mob.
- Lachlan R → My favourite part was Ruby’s story because we learnt some facts about her past and how she grew up.
- Kelly → I liked reading about Neena’s story because you get to learn about her grandpa and learn more.
- Lily → My favourite past was when the car crashed because it was interesting and everyone was really sad.
Here’s what we have liked about maths (graphing and data collection):
- Zara → I liked how we got to ask the other class questions.
- Lawson → I enjoy collecting the data because I like coming up with questions and asking them.
- Levi → I have liked making the likert scales because I like seeing everybody’s favourite thing or what they can do.
- Caitlin → I liked making bar graphs because I liked drawing them.
- Brayden → I like making the graphs on Google Sheets because you can decorate them.
- India → I like that it’s different every time because it is not as straightforward and there are many different answers to the problems.
- Flynn→ I have liked doing line graphs because they are simple and fun to make.
- Angus → I like that it’s easier to do on paper but harder to do on a computer.
- Clancy → I have liked all the different stuff that you can do with it like collect and put it down because it is something different and fun.
- Oakley → I like graphing because it is fun because you get to see graphs that you’ve never seen before.
- Ellie → I like that it’s easy to see all of the information at once because it makes collecting data and actually reading it a lot easier.
- Abbey → I have liked making bar graphs and line graphs because I like colouring it in and seeing all of the data I have collected.
- Zayne → I have liked getting to understand how to put data in forms and understand how to use data and make graphs because it is fun and easy.
- Lukas → I like gathering the data and making a graph because you get to have a better understanding.
- Zoe → I have liked doing graphing because it’s fun and we can know more about our classmates.
- Riley → I like finding how many are big and tall.
Here’s what we have liked about writing factual recounts:
- Evie → I have liked reading more facts about the Referendum because I have got to learn more about events in Australian history.
- Chylle → I have liked writing about factual recounts because we get to learn what happened in the olden days and it’s important to know history.
- Max → Getting to research because I think that it’s important for us to know what happened.
- Liv → I have liked writing them because you get to know more about what has happened in history.
- Grace → I have liked before and after because we got to write dot points and things that actually happened.
- Finley → I have liked how much information we get to learn about and all the stuff that happened in the past.
- Jack → Learning about the Referendum and how protests can actually push to change laws- I find that interesting.
- Zach → I have liked writing about factual recounts because you learn information in doing so and to teach others in a simple and easy way about a period of time in history.
- Belle → It helps us know stuff about the past that I have not been there before and it helps us learn about how the world is shaped today.
- Indie → I have learnt lots of information on the 1967 Referendum and I feel like I’ve gotten a lot out of it.
- Mikayla → I have gotten more and more notes when I’ve done it and it has helped me to write more.
- Hazel → I have enjoyed learning about what really happened so I can know the true history.
- Ezra → I enjoyed collecting all of the different information and taking notes to write sentences.
- Thomas → We get to research stuff that happened in the past- I like this because its important to know our Australian history.
- Hudson → I like that we get to find out what’s been happening in the past and our history because it’s been fun learning about the 1967 Referendum.