
Wednesdays and Thursdays are fast becoming the Preps favourite days of the week. The Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden Program is something the Preps look forward to every week. They have gained some new skills in the kitchen this term which include kneading dough, cutting vegetables, sautéing vegetables and the all-important making the kitchen sparking clean after they have finished. We thank all the parent helpers who have been to help so far and would appreciate some more helpers for the last few weeks of cooking this term.
This term our focus for writing has been learning how to write a procedure. The Preps have been working so hard and are now working towards putting a whole procedure together. Students can recognise all four components of a procedure and can confidently write the title, what we need, steps and add in pictures.
Over the past few weeks, we have been learning about sharing in Maths. The Preps have been learning how to share different objects into equal amounts. Students have used hands on materials such as unifix blocks and counters to demonstrate their learning.
The Preps have also celebrated 100 days of school in style, and what a fantastic day it was!!