Principal's Report

Principal leave
I will be taking some long service leave and returning at the start of term 4. During my absence Kirsty Slater will be taking on the role as Acting Principal. I know that you will all support Kirsty as she balances the demands of this job plus her usual wellbeing role! Please continue to look after each other, stay safe and enjoy the rest of term 3.
Upcoming school disco
On Friday 30th August we are holding our school disco. The Prep/1/2 disco will be from 6-6.45pm and the year 3/4/5/6 disco will be held 7-8pm. All students MUST be signed in by a parent or carer at the school gym and then signed out when leaving. Students cannot arrive unaccompanied to the disco and cannot leave on their own. The disco sessions will be fully supervised by staff and some parent volunteers. A massive thank you to the Brown family for very generously paying all costs of the disco for the school. We are very grateful for this kind and generous gesture. Thank you also to staff who are giving up their own time to attend, supervise (and dance)!
SunSmart time!
Please read from our Sun Smart policy-
LPS SunSmart must be worn From 1 September to 30 April, all students must wear a sun protective hat that shades the face, neck and ears for all outdoor activities. Hats may also be worn for all outdoor activities outside of the August to April time period, by parent or student choice. Students are required to wear our school hat that protects the face, head, neck and ears when outdoors. Baseball or peaked caps and sun visors are not considered a suitable alternative, as they do not protect the ears, cheeks or neck and our not part of Lancefield Primary School uniform. Students who are not wearing appropriate protective clothing or hats will be asked to play in the shade when outdoors or a suitable area protected from the sun.
Podcast- The Imperfects - Maria Ruberto - Advancing Despite Adversity
Maria Roberto is the director and founder of Salutegenics Psychology, Psychologist and leads a two day certification program which teaches the neuroscience of resilience. I actually had to stop listening to this podcast, rewind and start taking notes! If you are interested in discovering the real meaning of resilience, regulation, co regulation, dysregulation and self regulation then take a listen. This is a podcast which will support you AND your family. Highly Recommended!
Fabulous events in August!
We have had a super busy time this month with our Prep 100 days of school, Mini Olympics and Science Evening for families. We have been thrilled with the support from families and how many of you are joining in with our celebrations. Science Evening was a terrific event. So many students and families attended and had such a great time. Thank you so much to our staff for the time (out of their usual work hours) that they have devoted to planning and running these events for our students and families. We love seeing our students so engaged and having so much fun with their learning.