Principal's Report

 Principal - Julie Hommelhoff 

Hello to everyone, and welcome to Term 3. It was really nice to talk with our students upon their return on Monday. I have really enjoyed being here all week. Unfortunately, many staff have been sick and unable to return to school after the holidays. We wish you all the very best and hope that you are well soon. I thank the staff and students for adapting to different activities and days across the week, whether it was in a buddy room, in multi-age activities or supporting your colleagues / friends in other areas of our school. The teamwork, resilience and attention to one another was amazing to see. 

I thank Mrs Harvey for stepping in to the Acting Assistant Principal role in the interim. Mrs Harvey has adapted very quickly as she has done this before. 

We wish Molli all the best as she travels the world on the snow fields. Stay safe Molli and we will see you when you return to Echuca. 


Congratulations and a special welcome to Mr Jacob Johnson as he joins us here at ETRPS as our Assistant Principal. Mr Johnson will officially start on Monday 29 July. We are very much looking forward to meeting and working alongside him. 

We welcome Lu D and Hudson C as they start their new career at ETRPS as Education Support Staff members in our classrooms, supporting our students and their programs. Lu will be in the Prep Room whilst Hudson will join the 1 / 2 area. 

Winter is upon us. Please ensure your child/ren has their jumper, polo and or coat with them to keep warm where needed. Please name all items of clothing. We have a number of jumpers and jackets in lost property already. 



Thank you to our students and the support of our families in ensuring our students are in full school uniform every day. Our students look great in our uniform, and it helps develop pride and a sense of belonging. Uniform spot checks will happen throughout the week, in any given week.


Black pants and black shorts are not part of our school uniform. As part of our uniform policy, all shorts and pants must be navy blue. Students arriving at school, who are not in uniform will be provided with the opportunity to wear school uniform and a phone call will be made home. 


A get well wish to many - hope to see you next week :) 


Inclusion, Respect, Responsibility, Resilience, (Academic Excellence)  


Julie Hommelhoff      
