Message from the Principal

Mrs Bronwyn Underwood

Dear Parents and Carers,

Welcome to another busy Term at St Michael's. Students in Years 3 - 6 have commenced rehearsals for our upcoming musical "Danger Kids" which will be performed on the evening of September 26 in the Manilla Town Hall. In the coming weeks we will be collecting items for props and costumes. A list will be distributed, so if you have any items we require, we will appreciate you lending them for the Musical. Musicals are a lot of fun and the children are certainly embracing the opportunity. Our K-2 students will present a Christmas Pageant in December and will commence preparation early in Term 4.


Thankyou to parents and carers who attended the Parent/Teacher interviews on Tuesday and Wednesday. Generally there has been positive feedback regarding the variety of times offered. If you would like to speak with your child's teacher and were not able to make the days during this week due to work or other circumstances, please contact the office and arrangements can be made for you to have a meeting at a mutually convenient time. 


We enjoyed fabulous NAIDOC celebrations last week and were delighted that our friends from Daycare and Preschool were able to join us. A big thankyou to St Mary's Gunnedah for allowing some staff and students to attend our day and teach our children some weaving skills. As usual, Uncle Len Waters and Uncle Buddy Knox joined us and opened our day with a Welcome to Country and Smoking Ceremony. They then entertained us with wonderful stories and songs. Mrs Jodie Herden worked with some students to create our artwork that will be showcased at the upcoming Catholic Schools NSW Aboriginal and Torres Strait islander Conference to be held in Tamworth during October 22- 24. The artwork is currently on display in our school foyer. Thankyou to Ms Breanna Todd, Mrs Kate Holden and Ms Kimberly Miller for organising this fabulous day.



The next meeting of the St Michael's P&F will be held on Wednesday August 14. The time and venue are yet to be confirmed, but this will be advertised in the coming week. I really encourage any interested parent or carer to attend. Decisions made at these meetings generally enhance the learning outcomes of students in our school. Please come along if you are able. You will be made to feel very welcome.


School photographs will be taken on Monday August 12. This year we are being photographed by MSP photography. MSP are very experienced in school photography and are the preferred photographers for Catholic Schools NSW (CSNSW). I have had very positive experiences with MSP across several school settings and the product is always of a high quality. All children are to be in full winter uniform including black school shoes. Photographs will commence at 9.00 a.m. to ensure we have the majority taken before lunch. Please ensure your child is at school on time that day.


Enrolments for our 2025 Kindergarten class are now open. If you have not already done so, please contact Ms Newton or Mrs Mitchell in the Office if you require an enrolment pack. If you have any questions regarding enrolment, please do not hesitate to ask. Mrs McNair and myself will be commencing visits to the Preschool and Long Day Care soon and along with Miss Fraser, will attend the Preschool Information Night on Tuesday August 13. 


On Monday, Year 1 will welcome back Mrs Gall who has been travelling throughout Europe. No doubt Emily will have some wonderful and amazing stories to share with her class. Welcome back Emily! Year 1 is also enjoying the presence of Mrs Sara Irwin who is completing a professional placement as part of her teacher training. Welcome Sara and we hope you enjoy your time at St Michael's.

Enjoy a fabulous weekend,
