School News

Year 6 Leaders News
School Captains - Alaia and Joel
What has been happening at Sacred Heart this year? Earlier this year on the 4th of June, Miss Privitelli and the School Captains went to the city to visit the Parliament House of Victoria. This was for a school leadership meeting where we talked to Jess Wilson and the other local School Captains about what we should improve in our state and council. This was a good opportunity to share our ideas with other like minded students our age. In late November, we will be building three new pieces of playground equipment for the Sacred Heart students. This operation will be called Operation Ninja Playground. This will be built on the right side of the oval near the sandpit. We will be installing a new spinner crossing, criss cross challenge, net wall, monkey bars with new 'soft fall' mulch. We are looking forward to more School Captain activities to participate in and have enjoyed our roles so far.
Library Captains - James and Declan
Coming up this term is the 2024 Sacred Heart Book Week. It runs from Monday 19th of August to Friday 23rd of August. The theme for this year's book week is ‘Reading is Magic’.
Starting the week on Monday the 19th of August, is the character dress up for staff and students. Students get to dress up as their favourite character from a book they have read. Many of the teachers will also be dressing up as well known book characters. We will be holding a dress up parade for you to showcase your amazing costumes in the MPR. We look forward to seeing you in your amazing costumes!
Following that, on Tuesday the 20th of August, students will be going to a different classroom to have a book read to them by another teacher. Students will be picked up from their lines at 1:45pm and taken to another teacher's classroom to hear that teacher's favourite book read to them. Then we will be going back to our usual class at 2:15pm.
On Wednesday 21st of August students will design a new front cover for ‘Bear and Duck are Friends’ by Sue deGennaro to display in the MPR for our author visit.
On Thursday 22nd of August we will plan some lunchtime activities for students to enjoy. We hope you have heaps of fun!
On Friday 23rd of August, Sue deGennaro will be coming to speak to the students. Sue is an author and illustrator. Her book ‘Bear and Duck are Friends’ has been shortlisted for this year's Early Childhood book of the year. The Prep to Year Two students will receive their talk from 9-10am and the Year Three to Year Six students will receive their talk from 10-11am
Happy Book Week!
Arts Captains - Alex, Caylee and Nadia
All of the students of Sacred Heart have been working so amazingly hard all term to create amazing pieces of artwork for our Art Show taking place between the 18th - 21st of October. On Monday 21st October, all our amazing little artists will be able to wear free dress with some form of wearable art. Meanwhile behind the scenes of it all, the Art Captains and helpers have been working on beautiful colourful light flowers to hang up in the show to really make the artworks POP! Also on the 18th of October there will be a Cocktail Event for the parents to enjoy.
Social Justice and Wellbeing Captains - Eden, Huage and Beatrix
This term, we have been focusing on making new friendships with other year levels that we haven’t played with before. We will be doing this by changing the Wellbeing Groups so we are with new people. Together, students will explore topics related to emotional awareness and social justice. The program includes engaging activities focused on culture and social skills. The dates of the Wellbeing Groups are 9th August and 13th September.
Last week we celebrated National Week of Action, to help stop bullying. Students were allowed to wear a touch of orange because it represents optimism, confidence, enthusiasm, warmth and agreeableness.
The MS Readathon is currently running throughout August to raise money for people who have been affected by MS.
Sustainability Captains - Jack and Olivia
In Term 1 Gardening Club started, but recently it has been held off until Term 4 because of unusable garden beds. These garden beds are being overhauled and we hope to recommence gardening at Sacred Heart next term. We have a new compost bin which the Environmental Captains take out every Thursday. On August 10th-18th, we celebrating National Science Week and the theme this year is Species Survival - More Than Just Sustainability. Each year level will be performing different science activities to celebrate science!
Sports Captains - Tom, Dom, Siena, Lachie
Interschool sport
In the first two terms of 2024, the Year 5s and 6s competed in Interschool Sport for Sacred Heart. We competed in several sports including basketball, AFL 9s, soccer and many more. Each team played against a new school each week on Fridays. We played no matter the conditions. If we were good enough we would go to the next stage. Sadly the basketball players just missed out.
Olympics Day
Sacred Heart’s first Olympics Day was held on 2nd of August 2024. The point system was operated by the teachers who were looking out for good behaviour to award them spirit points. At the start of the day we had an incursion which was called Mini Boss. We did lots of activities from different countries like Kenya, Brazil and USA. In the middle block the Juniors did the Potato Olympics, the middles did Maths Olympic activities and the Seniors did a Paris Olympics Booklet. At the end of the day, the Year 6s counted up all the spirit points and went to assembly to announce the winner. The winner was Green Team!
Sport Equipment Tubs
From this term onwards, each class will have their own sport tub in their classroom. In this tub there will be a variety of sport equipment for the kids to enjoy. The equipment will be labelled with each year level to make sure there is enough sports equipment for every child.
MS Read-A-Thon
This year, our community is embarking on a magical adventure again for one incredible cause this August....and you're invited to join us! The MS Readathon is a one-month reading challenge that challenges students to read as many books as they can and raise funds for families living with MS.
Whether you've already registered, or if you're yet to sign up, hit the link below to join our school page for the MS Readathon and get ready for the adventure of 2024!
Sport News
Year 5/6 Hockey Day
Today the Year 5 and 6 students attended the Hockey 7s Gala Day at KBH Brumbies Hockey Club (Box Hill Hockey Club).
Term 3 Prayer Program and Mass Attendance
Dates to note
Sunday 25 August
First Eucharist Mass 9.30am
A wonderful opportunity to celebrate with our young students as they take this important step in their faith journey.
Thursday 29 August: 9am Whole School Father’s Day Paraliturgy (led by Year 3)
Friday 30 August: 9.15am Years 5 and 6 attend Parish Mass
Friday 6 September: Father Trevor classroom visit (Year 1)
Friday 6 September: 11.15am Care of Creation Paraliturgy (Years 1 & 2)
Friday 13 September: Father Trevor classroom visit (Year 2)
Friday 20 September: Father Trevor classroom visit (Prep)
Friday 20 September: 11.15am Friendship Paraliturgy (Prep and Years 5 and 6 Buddies)
First Eucharist
Reflection Day
Today the Year 4 students participated in a First Eucharist Reflection Day. All students attended the 9:15am Parish Mass with Fr Trevor and participated in a variety of fun, reflective and prayerful activities throughout the day. The students walked to Alexandra Gardens to have lunch.
The First Eucharist Mass will be celebrated at Sacred Heart Parish on Sunday 25 August at 9.30am. All are welcome to attend.
James Millane (Religious Education Leader)
School Counsellor
Elise, our school counsellor, is available on Tuesdays in 2024. Parents are welcome to reach out to discuss if counselling is the right fit for them and their child. Please contact the School Office
Term 3 School Assemblies
All parents are welcome to attend our Assemblies which take place in the MPR on Fridays at 2.30pm (see below dates). Classes will be timetabled to present an item to the school community.
Term 3 Assemblies:
Week 6 - Monday 19 August 8:50am (Book Week character dress up parade)
Week 7 - Friday 30 August (Year 3 Spotlight on Learning)
Week 8 - Friday 6 September (Prep CB Spotlight on Learning)
Week 9 - Friday 13 September (No Assembly - Wellbeing Day)
Week 10 - Friday 20 September (No Assembly - End of Term 12:45pm finish)
2024 Term Dates
Term 3
Mon 15 July – Fri 20 September (12:45pm finish)
Term 4
Mon 7 October - Tue 17 December (12:45pm finish)
2024 School Closure Days
Term 3
Term 4
Monday 4 November (Time in lieu day for staff) *
Tuesday 5 November (Melbourne Cup Day Public Holiday)
Friday 6 December (Staff Planning for 2025 School Closure Day)
Children finish on Tuesday 17 December at 12.45pm
Wednesday 18 December (Time in lieu day for staff) *
As was communicated to families towards the end of last year...
* Time in Lieu (TIL)
The new Catholic Education Multi-Enterprise Agreement 2022 (the Agreement) introduces a formal time in lieu (TIL) process for teachers. The Agreement provides that a principal may require a teacher to undertake work and attend a school activity outside the normal hours of attendance (i.e., in excess of the 38 hours or normal hours for a part-time teacher) and when this occurs, it will attract TIL.
Principals should prepare for the accrual and acquittal of TIL through their annual planning process. The timing of the acquittal of TIL is at the discretion of the principal, having regard to the operational needs of the school and causing the least disruption to the educational program of the school.
Principals may elect to acquit TIL through designating days during the year on which all staff and students are not required to attend school. For 2024, there are opportunities to acquit TIL for the whole school on the following days:
Friday April 26 (day after ANZAC Day);
Monday November 4 (day before Cup Day);
early finishes on the last days of Terms 1, 2 and 3;
end of Term 4 from Wednesday 18 December.
Please note that no primary school students should be dismissed from schools prior to Tuesday 17 December 2024 – this is their earliest finish date