Deputy Principal

MACSSIS Family School Improvement Survey
Our school is participating in Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Schools - School Improvement Surveys (MACSSIS). MACSSIS is an annual process whereby schools listen to the thoughts and feelings that students, families and staff have about how their school can improve. These surveys help inform the ongoing improvement of schools across the Archdiocese of Melbourne.
One of the main goals of the family survey is to identify the strengths and areas for improvement in our school. MACSSIS data benefits everyone within our school and provides valuable community insights on areas that each school can focus on. Our school believes it is important to encourage families to have a voice and contribute to shaping the ongoing improvement of the school.
The survey is available online, can be accessed from Monday 2 September and needs to be completed by Friday 20 September 2024. This survey may only be completed once.
For families with more than one child attending our school, we ask that you focus on the eldest child attending the school when completing the survey. The school has invited many families to respond via this survey and participation is completely voluntary. There are no 'right' or 'wrong' answers - all responses are completely anonymous and at no point are any of the responses from students, families or staff identifiable by the school.
The survey is available in English, Arabic, Assyrian, Chaldean, simplified and traditional Chinese, Dinka, Falam, Hakha Chin, Karen, Tagalog, Vietnamese and Zomi.
Families will receive an email on Monday 2 September with instructions on how to access the survey and a personal identification number (PIN).
Thank you for your participation in the MACSSIS family survey.
Bullying No Way: National Week of Action
Last Friday, the students met in their Wellbeing Groups and explored the theme of 'Belonging' for the National week of action. In their Wellbeing Groups, students discussed the connections they have with their family, friends, school and community. The students also discussed the following:
- When we all feel like we belong, bullying struggles to find a place. It's about embracing who we are, respecting everyone's differences and standing up together against unkindness.
- Belonging means we all have a role in preventing bullying. We're encouraged to speak up and create a safe place where everyone feels supported and respected, and our voices are heard and valued.
Book Week (NEXT WEEK)
Ideas for DIY costumes:
Scholastic Book Fair
We are very excited to host the Scholastic Book Fair this year from Thursday 22 August to Tuesday 27 August in the MPR.
Book Fairs are designed to give kids access to more books they want to read, from relevant new-releases to classic award winners. Every book sold at the Book Fair earns free books for our school.
On Thursday morning (22 August), all students will visit the Book Fair and write a Wish List of the books that they like. The Book Fair will be open for families to visit at the following days and times:
Thursday 22 August | 3:15pm - 3:45pm |
Friday 23 August | 8:30am - 9:00am 3:15pm - 3:45pm |
Monday 26 August | 8:30am - 9:00am 3:15pm - 3:45pm |
Tuesday 27 August | 8:30am - 9:00am 3:15pm - 3:45pm |
If you are unable to visit the Book Fair with your child, they will be able to bring money in an enclosed envelope and purchase the book themselves. Please inform the classroom teacher that this will occur. Alternatively you can purchase your child's Wish List books using a credit card on the back of the Wish List form. This form needs to be returned to Mrs Gerecke.
Father's Day events
Our annual events for Father's Day are rapidly approaching with our Father's Day Stall (Wednesday 28 August) and Father's' Day Paraliturgy and Morning Tea (Thursday 29 August). On Thursday 29 August, all fathers are invited into the classrooms from 8:30-9:00am, followed by a special Father's Day Paralitrugy in the MPR and Morning Tea in the Hall.
School Uniform
A reminder to ensure your child is wearing the correct Sacred Heart School Uniform, including socks and shoes. The Sacred Heart School Uniform is a uniform that we hope students wear with pride. We thank you for your support in this area.