Level 2: Connect

Welcome back to a new term! We hope you all had a wonderful holiday and are feeling well-rested. It's fantastic to see our students returning refreshed and full of enthusiasm for their learning. Their excitement to be back at school is evident, and we're looking forward to a productive and enjoyable term ahead.
Over the next two weeks, our students will embark on an exciting journey to learn how to write information reports. They will explore and discuss the key features of these texts and identify keywords used to construct informative sentences. For inspiration, we will focus on sports and countries coming together at the Olympic Games. Students will research facts about various sports and the countries that participate in this global event. Through this engaging topic, they will gain valuable skills in researching, organising, and presenting information while expanding their knowledge about the world of sports and international cultures.
Since returning to school, the Year 2 classes have been highly engaged in our Maths unit ‘Fractions’. We have been looking at whole objects, halves, quarters and eighths, with a particular focus on equivalent fractions. The students have also completed some thought-provoking Problem-Solving activities, which have required them to use their new knowledge of fractions and solve ‘real world’ challenges.
Over the coming weeks we are very excited to use the Paris Olympics as our inspiration for mathematical learning. We will be looking at the many ways maths is involved in the different events and will create tally charts and graphs using Olympic data.