Level 1: Connect

Welcome back to all of our families! We hope that you had a great break! Students have come back to school enthusiastic and ready for the second half of the year.
Some reminders:
We have a Curriculum Day on Monday 12th of August. Their Care will be open if you need it.
The swim program starts on the 13th of August.
We have our Lego Land excursion coming up the 7th of August! Please remember to fill out the consent form on Compass! Thank you.
In numeracy, we have continued our deep dive into place value by consolidating our understanding of 0-100 number mats. We have broken 0-100 number mats into parts that then need to be pieced back together so that students can refine their 1 more/ 1 less and 10 more/ 10 less skills. We have explored the patterns that exist in these number mats and used this to strengthen our knowledge of place value.
This week, we have started to explore 'groups of' which encourages our level 1 students to begin multiplicative thinking. We have used a number of 'buzz' games as well as grouping activities that we will slowly build upon in the coming weeks.
Over the next two weeks we will be concentrating on:
- Phonemes – /ight/, as in ‘light’ and /or/ as in ‘corn’.
- Morphology learning: the -less suffix meaning without. Examples are hopeless, careless, endless, helpless. Also, -ful meaning ‘full of’- examples are playful, hopeful, graceful.
- Heart Words – great, steak, break, those, these, whose.
If you would like to help your child at home:
See if your child can explain the soft and hard c and g rule. The soft c says the /s/ sound like cent, the hard c says the /k/ sound like cat. The soft g says the /j/ sound like giant, the hard g sound says the /g/ sound like goat.
Heart words to practice: people, through, please, world, water, always, blue.
In writing students are learning about the significance of language in storytelling, culture, and identity. To explore this concept, students have used the mentor text 'Our Dreaming' and listened to a podcast called 'Little Yarns'. These podcasts are held on different parts of Indigenous Australia and incorporate stories from different Indigenous nations and languages. Australia is made up of many different Indigenous nations, cultures and languages.
Some words learnt -
In Kalaw Kawaw Ya -
Cassowary - Samu
Crocodile - Keodal
In Gamilaraay -
Hello - Yama
Bye - Yalu
In Gundungurra -
Burringilling - Ancestors
Daore - Earth
Darrambyang - Gumtree
Dhuulu - talk/speak
Goodjagah - small child
In the coming weeks, students will be working on information texts with a focus on the Olympics. Students will be participating in mini classroom Olympics! We are rooting for our Australian Athletes! Go Gold and Green!!!
Have a great fortnight!
Suzanne, Anthony, Nishtha and Leon (and Tommy)