Foundation: Connect
Term 3
Foundation: Connect
Term 3
Welcome Back to Term 3!
Students have had a terrific start to the term. Term 3 is also a fun term with the stand out event celebrating 100 days of School.
This term our Inquiry focus is Living Things. We will be looking and learning about many different animals and their habitats. We have already covered sharks and crabs. Next week we will be looking at pandas followed by wombats in week 4. These will also be integrated into our Literacy lessons.
In Numeracy, we have been reviewing numbers to ten and taking a deeper look into ‘teen’ numbers. We focused on highlighting the ‘ten’ in the number and highlighted its importance. We built teen numbers with tens frames, unifix towers and played a range of games that all helped to build our fluency around teen numbers.
Tip: We are encouraging them to not count the whole collection one by one if they are read, and encouraging them to use their skills in counting on if they can see the 5 or 10 in the tens frames which is encouraging them to call on their prior knowledge.
In Literacy, we have been focusing on Non-Fiction texts which has linked wonderfully to out Inquiry unit. We are reading, writing and learning many things about animals from our mentor texts. We have also added new heart words to the list being; look and have.
Jumping forward to Week 3 & 4 we will continue our work with Non-fictions texts in Literacy and Inquiry. In Numeracy, we will begin to look into Fractions, focusing on half being two equal parts, that one half of an object may be a different size to one half of another object.
100 Days of School