Collaborative Communities

Yes, you've spotted the slight name change correctly! 

Collaborative communities (yes, you read that right. We have had a slight name change) is developing into Friday afternoons full of school spirit, teamwork and cheering each other on. 


We now have four Level 6 leaders who are our Collaborative Community Captains. While all Level 6 students will be leading their own community through challenges and activities, the four leaders will be organising presentations, getting materials ready and continuing to think of awesome challenges and activities for SEPS students to work on together. We are so lucky to have them on board with us. They have already demonstrated a high level of dedication, creative thinking and hard work. Before winter holidays, we competed to see which house could create the longest paper chain. Another challenge was to see which house could create the best flying paper plane. Today’s challenge was for each collaborative community to play a well-known game at SEPS called Piccadilly Circus. 


During our next session, we will be learning about 'Bullying No Way Week'. Your children will be coming home with something special from another student at SEPS. We can't wait.


A reminder that students are encouraged to wear their house T shirt on Fridays for collaborative communities.