Level 5: Connect

5A Michelle Stainforth, 5B Joshua Miller, 5C Michael Day 

Welcome back to Term 3 Parents and Guardians!


We were very proud of your children's achievements at the end of Semester 1. We hope you had a restful break and the students' are ready for a very exciting and busy term ahead.


Dates for your Diaries:


Term 3

August 12th - Curriculum Day

August 22nd - Book Week Costume Parade

September 19th - Footy Day Colour Parade





Students have hit the ground running this Term, diving into Division and Estimation. A new tracking document has been developed over the break, where students now have a 'log' of all Success Criteria for the Term. Within this document, students will provide worked samples for every criteria set for them. This provides students a clear visual of areas met and areas that require further work.  






Kitchen / Garden Program

Mr Marco has already sparked interest and excitement in the Level 5 students last week. Students will alternate between the Garden program; where students are leanring fundamentals of growing organic produce in their own backyard, while also understanding the importance of eating healthy. The second program is Kitchen; where students slice, dice and mix a range of ingredients to create delicious and nutritious meals. The foundational skills in the kitchen matched with healthy recipes will make for an engaging and exciting couple of months.


Work students can complete at home (Homework)