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Health & Safety Alert

The Victorian Health Department recently issued a public notice in relation to an increasing number of cases of whooping cough (Pertussis) in Victoria, particularly among children aged 10-12.


Pertussis is a highly contagious respiratory illness known for causing a cough, and can lead to life threatening infections in babies.  Many babies who get Pertussis catch it from older children and adults who might not even know they are infected.


Pertussis usually begins with cold-like symptoms, such as a dry cough (occurring in bouts), characteristic 'whooping' sound when breathing in, tiredness, runny nose and low-grade fever.


Please speak to your doctor (GP) and seek a diagnosis if your child is exhibiting any of these symptoms.  Early identification and separation are crucial in preventing the spread to other children.


Pertussis is mostly spread to other people by droplets from coughing or sneezing, so good hygiene practices and immunisations help prevent the spread.  Immunisations are particularly important for infants and pregnant women.


If Pertussis is diagnosed, your GP will advise on appropriate treatments.  If you have any questions, please speak to your GP.


Read the full alert here:


Class of 1994 Reunion

Film Launch Socktober 2024

Socktober is a nationwide schools engagement program that uses the game of soccer to educate and inspire support for critical mission projects.  It is held annually during World Mission Month in catholic schools throughout October.  In Melbourne this year we are showing the wonderful film "Next Goal Wins" at Yarraville Sun Theatre on Thursday,             8 August at 6.00 pm.  Please see the flyer for further information.  


Launch Aug 8th.jpg