Term 3 Update
We have welcomed our new Engineering Undergrad from RMIT, Serena Webster. She will be working with the Year 6's in Term 3 and the Year 5's in Term 4. Both year levels will be working their way through the design thinking steps to create their own 3D printed model with the help of Tinkercad.
We have purchased a brand new 3D printer which will be getting a big workout through until the end of the year with the aim of every Year 5 and 6 student being able to print and take home their own personalised 3D design!
This term our STEM Captains Aliyah, Garion, Ollie and James are running a brand new activity for STEM Club... MINECRAFT!
We will be using the education edition of the software with specific building challenges set for each group that attends. At this stage it will be offered to Year 3 students that wish to come along on Tuesday's at lunch time.
First Lego League
We are now into our 4th year of competing in FLL and we are registered for the Richmond Regionals at Melbourne Girls College on October 26th.
The competition is open to all Year 5 and 6 students, it requires lunch time and after school commitments. If you think your child might be interested in joining then please make sure they speak to Mr Littlehales, meetings will begin in the next few weeks.