Our Star awards...

There were no awards for Week 3 of Term 3, due to the Mini Olympics.


You're a Star Awards for Week 4 of Term 3 were awarded at assembly on 9 Aug:

FBOllie JFor being a writing superstar. I am so impressed with all your hard work!
FHLily VFor coming in with an amazingly big smile this week and working super hard to improve your writing! You're a superstar!
FDAngelina JFor always trying her best to improve her writing and add lots of detail! Proud of you. 
FNTessa JFor working hard to use neat handwriting and extra detail in her weekend recount. Fantastic Tessa!
FWIvy KFor writing a fantastic recount, adding lots of information and using beautiful handwriting.
1PEmily MFor always being enthusiastic about her learning and always bringing positivity to our classroom. Thank you Emily you are fabulous!
1SPippa JFor her beautiful expressive reading and amazing efforts with our weeks word study tasks.
1WSienna MFor including others into her game, when they had no one to play with. Well done Sienna!
2CFrankie SFor being an engaged member of our class and making thoughtful contributions to class discussions. Well done Frankie!
2CIvy HFor a wonderful explanation on the Life Cycle of a Frog. It was great to see you making changes to our class example when writing your own. Well done Ivy! 
2GBillie MFor your amazing effort and teamwork during the Mini Olympics. Well done Billie!
2TEvie LFor writing a fabulous explanation text about the Life Cycle of a Frog with a very detailed diagram included. Well done!
2TLoic PFor writing an excellent explanation text about the Life Cycle of a Frog. Well done!
2WWynter BFor striving to excel with our weekly soundpack and your consistent readiness to learn. Keep it up Wynter!
2WKelson HFor demonstrating cooperation by carefully explaining how to play our inquiry game to his peers!
3BAnnabel HFor her kind nature and willingness to help her peers. You’re amazing Annabel!
3HRio RFor an excellent effort during Athletics Day.
3JOlive AFor taking responsibility for her own learning by asking questions to gain more information and clarify instructions.
3JTed BFor being an enthusiastic participant in all school activities, both in and out of the classroom. 
3MAlannah HFor giving everything a go with great enthusiasm and a terrific attitude. Well done!
3MTilly CFor demonstrating such a positive attitude and enthusiasm on our Athletics Day. Well done!
4BArchie JFor taking on feedback well and applying it to his narrative writing.
4DEmmy BFor your consistent excellent approach to all learning tasks! Keep up the amazing work!
4DPeyton CFor always being a friendly and happy person to be around. You brighten all of our days
4PMilla SFor writing great responses to questions about our class novel, War Horse. Well done.
4PLogan BFor trying your best with all of your athletics events. You showed resilience and great optimism.
4sAva ShiFor her high quality work book and willingness to participate in class discussions.
4SMily PFor being such a humble and hardworking student and continuing to challenge herself.
5BAmity HFor always demonstrating excellent behaviour and being a wonderful role model for those around her.
5GReuben AFor his well detailed responses to questions on our class text 'A Single Shard'.
5HHamish FFor his resilience and determination in completing set tasks. Well done! 
5OJacob FFor being a supportive classmate to his peers and someone who is always willing to help around the classroom,
5OAkinyi OFor consistently showing kindness and appreciation towards her peers and teachers.
6BSully WFor making a consistent contribution to our 'Magician's Nephew' lessons and getting along with his peers.
6JJude HFor working hard to extend your answers to our novel study to include strong evidence and depth.
6MIsobel GFor putting 100% effort into our 'Magician's Nephew' sessions which has resulted in work of a very high standard. Well done Isobel!
6RAlex KFor demonstrating a fantastic understanding of our class novel, 'The Magician's Nephew'. Your detailed responses have been very impressive!
6ULachie vdD       For putting in a fantastic effort with improving his work in all aspects of our Magician’s Nephew novel study.