Parent Information

Sickbay Notifications/Alerts to the Parent Lounge

As part of Good Shepherd's procedures, we have implemented a system to send Sickbay Notifications/Alerts to the Parent Lounge whenever your child/children visit the sickbay. These notifications are found under "Student Details - Illness Details". 


In cases involving head injuries or illnesses that we believe you should be informed about, you may receive an email or SMS notification. However, no action is necessary unless you choose to collect your child/children. The school will contact you directly for any illnesses that need your advice or urgent attention.

Event information - Goldilocks and the Three Hairs

This is an event very special to the Tuckerman family. Students will watch Edward, Billie, Evelyn and Charlotte Armitage tomorrow lunch time in the gym for the cutting of their hair.


Distinguished guests that will be present include local Council members Cr Lyn Petrie of Tea Tree Gully Council, Cr Lauren Brug of The City of Salisbury, and Michael Brown MP Member for Florey.


Channel 7 and Channel 10 news have expressed interest in coming.


Whilst we welcome the presence and support for their fellow peers, if your child/ren are recorded as 'Do Not Publish' for photos/video, we kindly ask that they are reminded to please follow the direction of any teachers and move towards the back of the student group to avoid being in view of the cameras.


Camp Quality will once again have their puppets attending the school for the event! A few parents have asked about gold coin donations. Children are welcome to bring a gold coin and pop them in the tubs provided by the puppets :)


If you wish to donate to this special event you may do so via this link:


Thank you


Assembly Awards

Well done to our award winners Flynn, Amira, and Archer for displaying excellent examples of our school values of Love, Optimism and Creativity.

Short-Term Changes to Uniform Shop Hours

Please note the following changes to the uniform shop hours in the next few weeks 😊


Week 10 (Hours as usual)


Week 11

Tuesday 9th April: Closed due to Pupil Free Day

Wednesday 10th April: 8am – 10:30am, 1pm - 3:30pm

Thursday 11th April: 1pm - 3:30pm

Learning Conversations

To our valued families,

With Learning Conversations drawing near, we want to bring a few important points to your attention. Please note that students in Stages 1-3 do not need to participate in parent/teacher discussions, whether they are held online or in person. We kindly request that all families observe the following:

  • Ensure punctuality, whether attending online or in-person sessions.
  • Create a conducive environment for formal conversations, particularly when participating online.

Thank you for your cooperation and understanding.

URSTRONG Friendology for parents 

Dear Parents,

Good Shepherd Para Vista are a USTRONG school, with students learning about this friendship program during their Health lessons and OSHC also adopting the ‘Friendology’ initiative.


 URSTRONG’s whole-school friendship strategy has improved the social climate in schools around the world, connecting over a million kids, parents, and teachers with a common language of friendship. We are proud to be a URSTRONG School and are committed to empowering your children with friendship skills.


You are invited to take advantage of a FREE Parent Membership to access hundreds of resources – including an 8 session video series. This will allow you to learn the same language & strategies being taught in the classroom through the Friendology 101 curriculum. We hope that, as a URSTRONG Family, you will reinforce the important messages of empowerment, self-compassion, & kindness at home.


As a next step, we would recommend:

  • Click here to view an overview of URSTRONG.
  • Activate your FREE Parent Membership and explore all the resources available to your family.
  • Explore the hundreds of resources available to you!

In line with the school's values, we believe that empowering our students with these skills will create a culture of kindness and we hope that, together, we can support your children to have healthy, feel-good friendships.


Current Endeavour College and past Good Shepherd students Oscar, Remi and Charlotte shared at Assembly this week about an initiative that they have created. 


They are looking to give generously, as God calls us to do! If you are able to donate any non-perishable food, kids toys or kids clothes, please do so in the box found in the front office. More information can be found on the flyer below.


Mother's Day Stall

The Mother’s Day Stall Organising Team are now looking for parent volunteers to help assist during the week the stall is being held. 

Our stall will be held in Week 2 of Term 2, on

  • Tuesday 7th May 1:25pm-3pm (arrive at 1:15pm)
  • Wed 8th May from 1:25pm-3pm (please arrive at 1:15pm)
  • Thursday 9th May 1:25pm-2:25pm (please arrive at 1:15pm) 
  • and packing up Thurs 9th May 2:25pm – 3pm.

A volunteer form was sent home in Blue Bags this week and can be found attached below too. Please return the form to the front office by Thursday Week 11 if you intend to volunteer your time.

All volunteers need to have completed the necessary requirements as set by GSPV. Please check with the front office that your volunteer status is up to date. Please be aware, some of these can take a few weeks to complete.


Donations for the stall of Home-Made Gifts will still be received gladly. Please contact Alix Zeppel on

Raffle donations will still be received over next week or so – please be in contact with Lauren Davis on – or for monetary/gift card donations – please be in contact with Jodi Quast -


We are very much looking forward to hosting the Mother’s Day Stall at Good Shepherd. It is such an exciting time for our children as they get to purchase some gifts for their Mum’s. 



Mother’s Day Organising Team

Lauren Davies / Alix Zeppel / Alana Siedel / Sarah Pound / Jodi Quast


Code Camp for Year 3&4 Students

We are offering Code Camp for our Year 3 & 4 students again in Term 2.  The coding sessions incorporate weekly challenges, functions, algorithms, branching, variables, game logic, user experience and maths.


From Code Camp:

'Coding after-school' is an 8-week program with a new project each week, and the fun doesn’t have to stop after class! Your child will be provided with their very own Code Camp World account which they can use to continue creating at home and to share their projects with family and friends.


If this is something that your Year 3 or 4 child would be interested in, please click on the button below.


Dads and Kids Camping Weekend - Register Now!

M'n'M 2024 (Men and Minors camp) is coming up again this year on the 17th – 19th May at the regular location near Williamstown.  All primary school aged children accompanied by their dad or significant male are welcome to attend.


A great weekend to 'get back to basics' and really enjoy some quality time with your children and also the opportunity to connect with other dads too.  Saturday is packed full of fun activities and a nice amount of 'down time'. Come along and see what more than 300 people enjoyed in 2023!


The following link provides detailed information about the camp.

NEW Streamlined Registration:  Download the QKR App to your device and go to Good Shepherd Lutheran School.  The registration form and payment process is available all in this one place.  


Check out some fun from the past here!


Volunteering at the school

Interested in contributing to the vibrant community at Good Shepherd Lutheran School Para Vista? We have plenty of volunteer opportunities within our school and your involvement is crucial in creating a nurturing environment for our students. 


To learn more about the available opportunities and the application process, please take a moment to review the attached PDF document. We greatly appreciate your willingness to support our educational journey, and we look forward to welcoming you as valued members of our dedicated team

Growing Faith At Home

We have just celebrated Easter and now we get to live with the gifts that Jesus paid for with his death and resurrection. One of those is his peace. Here are some conversation starters for you to try out at home. 

When Jesus appeared to his disciples he said, “peace be with you”. 

  • What is peace? 
  • What did that mean? 
  • How does the resurrection make a difference in your life? 

Have a look at this week’s resource for these ideas and others to use at home. God bless your week!


Seasons for Growth 

Seasons for Growth is an 8- week program for children who have had changes occur in their families through death, separation, divorce or related circumstances. It has been run at Good Shepherd for many years now and each year we see the fruit of children having an opportunity to process change in a safe, supportive group. We have normally run groups for stages 2,3 and 4 in term two but are open to running one this term if the need is there. The groups run for 45 minutes once a week.  Children join the group with parent permission, at the suggestion of a parent and/or their teacher. 


If you think your children might benefit from this valuable program, or have more questions about it, please contact;

Renee Baker

Sonia Hulme

and we will be in touch. 


More information on the program is available at


If you have not yet submitted an enrolment application for any siblings of current students, please do so as soon as possible to ensure a position is available, the sooner the better! Your prompt attention to this is greatly appreciated. Enrolment applications can be collected and returned to the front office.