
Clothing Request
St Patrick’s Community Support Centre
St Pat’s is in desperate need of men’s clothing for our Community Store. We are running low on all items for men and would greatly appreciate if you could have a clean out of your wardrobes and bring in any excess clothing you no longer want or need for St Pat’s.
We are looking for items which are in good second-hand condition, no staining, or tears. The items we are most in need of are; shorts, tracksuit pants, jumpers, coats, belts and jeans, we need all sizes.
The Community Store on Adelaide Street Fremantle offers free or low-cost clothing, furniture, new-home starter packs, homewares, cookware, kids clothes and toys and more to people who are experiencing or exiting homelessness, or on low-incomes, so they can have the same shopping experience and choice as people not currently needing support.
Any clothing items can be left in Main Reception or Campus Ministry. Please label any bags containing clothing items as St Pat’s. To find out further details about the good work St Pat’s do please see the link below.
Year 10 Water Bucket Challenge
Raising awareness and donations for Caritas Australia and Project Compassion
By Liam Murray (10.6)
Caritas Australia, a Catholic aid agency, partners with communities in Malawi, Samoa, and Philippines to provide resources they need. While watching the Caritas launch, we learnt about women in Malawi and how disadvantaged they are due to numerous issues including early pregnancies, food insecurity, unsanitary water, lack of education and job opportunities. Caritas has been able to provide education, infrastructure, safe food, and financial support to disadvantaged people in these regions.
This Term, our fundraising efforts will contribute funds to supports these programmes. Our fundraiser was based on the idea of raising awareness of the life of those in Malawi, who on a daily basis walk up to four hours just to retrieve fresh water for their families and community. Students were asked to bring in a gold coin donation to wear their PE uniform and take part in the challenge, with all proceeds going to Caritas Australia. As a year group we participated in an activity of trying to fill buckets full of water using a water bottle to gain a greater understanding of the challenges a Malawian woman faces every day to source clean water for her family.
Congratulations to PCG 10.5, on winning the challenge!