Secondary School

PSA Sporting Wind-Ups
Friday, 19 April | Football Season Launch | Buy tickets |
Save the Date: Friends of Football Season Launch
Year 7-12 Football Families are invited to save the date for the TC Friends of Football Season 2024 Launch, which will take place early next term.
There have been a number of developments with the TC Football program in the off-season, and 2024 promises to provide a great environment for players across all year groups, to develop their skills and play our great game whilst representing TC.
The 2024 season launch will be held on Friday 19 April on Mann Oval, from 7.30am to 8.30am. The event will include:
- Free bacon and egg roll (or dietary alternative) and drink/water for all players
- Presentation of the leadership group for the 1st XVIII
- Presentation of the TC 1st XVIII squad
For catering purposes, please register all attendees (TC football player, and/or family member) using the link below.
Kind regards,
Mr Julian Fritz on behalf of the Friends of Football Committee 2024
1st XVIII Football Manager
Student Spotlight
Xavier Collins (Year 12) and Hudson May (Year 10) have achieved qualifying times to complete in the Nationals Age Swimming Championships to be held in the second week of the school holidays on the Gold Coast. The Trinity Community we wish them every success at the meet.
Year 11 and 12 - WAIS PE Studies ATAR Excursion
By Oliver Cruskall and Kaiden Edmonds
Last Wednesday 19th of March, the Year 11 & 12 PE Studies ATAR students were lucky enough to visit the West Australian Institute of Sport (WAIS) High Performance Service Centre for an educational excursion. The focus of the day was on providing students with a practical understanding of the requirements involved with being an elite athlete, with an emphasis on key training, testing, and recovery methods.We started the excursion with a tour of the advanced sporting facilities at WAIS. Students learnt about the equipment, testing methods, support and technology provided by WAIS to help the athletes prepare to perform at their best. For example, there are artificial altitude dorms designed to prepare athletes for the conditions they may face in upcoming competitions such as the Olympic qualifiers this year.
Students participated in VO2 Max tests, with two students from our group completing the test and others collecting data on the student’s maximal oxygen uptake and lactic acid production.A second test that we participated in was measuring how an athlete’s performance changes in hot and humid environments, with students exercising in an artificial heat room reaching 38 degrees and 80% humidity. This exposes athletes who may not have performed in conditions like these before, preparing them for how they will need to cope to the change in environmental conditions.
A highlight for many was the athlete recovery pools. We immersed ourselves in both an icy-cold pool (colder than most ice baths) and a hot spa and experienced firsthand the benefits it can have to recovering athletes in stimulating blood flow and reducing lactic acid. Finally, we experienced how athletes may use the ‘whirlpool’ flow pool in their recovery from injury.We finished our day at WAIS with a nutrition presentation from one of WAIS’s performance dieticians who educated us on athlete nutrition, such as protein and carbohydrate requirements as well as the role that supplements play in an elite athlete’s diet. We gained knowledge on how we should fuel our bodies before, during and after sports performances.Overall, the excursion was a valuable experience in providing students with information applicable to the course as well as giving students a unique and up-close look at what it means and takes to compete at such a high level.
A special thanks to Mr Jenkin, Miss Garland and Mr Leahy for providing us with this experience.
Lego Club will commence next term for students in Years 7-9
Thank you to the families who have already generously donated, but we still need more!
To donate, either email Ms Calegari on calegari.natalee@trinity.wa.e to arrange collection or have your son drop these items to the Mary Rice Centre (next door to the D&T building). Thank You.
Natalee Calegari
Learning Support Teacher