Principal's Message


Easter is a most solemn and special time for all Christians as we reflect on the passion of Jesus Christ prior to celebrating his triumphant resurrection. On the evening of Holy Thursday, we specifically recall the Last Supper and the simple, yet powerful example of Christ ‘breaking bread’ and sharing a meal in communion with his followers. On Good Friday, many Catholics will walk the Stations of the Cross and reflect deeply on the suffering of Jesus. Easter Sunday then allows us to celebrate Jesus Christ rising again. His death and subsequent resurrection are central to our Faith and a reminder that we too can begin anew.


Today, as part of our College Assembly, our Easter Liturgy focus reminded us to reflect on the personal challenge of renewal that Easter brings. I pray that we can all experience the hope and renewal that comes with the celebration of Easter. Given the circumstances that some around the world continue to suffer from, the Easter message could be particularly relevant. According to the Gospel of John, Jesus spoke the following words to his disciples on the night before He died. “Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God still and trust in Me” (John 14:1). An enduring reminder at Easter, and an important message at all times.


In his recent Easter message, Most Rev Donald Sproxton VG, Auxiliary Bishop of Perth, reflected on Easter being a time when we can respond to our personal renewal by answering the constant call of God to be with Him. Bishop Sproxton says:


“Ultimately, this is what the Resurrection is all about. This man, who seems to be defeated by His enemies and destroyed by death, rises again to a new life, one which means that He is no longer tied to the dusty roads of the Holy Land but is now with us, and among us, and within us.


He is here now, symbolised in the flame of the Paschal Candle, in the celebration of Easter, in the community of faith which we are. He is calling to us, inviting us to come to Him, encouraging us to open the doors of our hearts to Him, and seeking to unite Himself to us in the extraordinary gift of the Eucharist” 


I take this opportunity to thank the Staff and the students and their families for their wonderful efforts during this very busy first term. I trust that everyone has a relaxing term break and invite you to appreciate and enjoy a Happy and Holy Easter. 


Please note the commencement dates for Term 2:

  • Monday, 15 April:
    Years 4 – 10 Parent/Teacher/Student Interviews                                                      Scheduled from 9.00am to 6:00pm
    (No classes for Years 4-12)
  • Tuesday, 16 April:
    All Years 4 – 12 return to classes at 8.30am 

Live Jesus in our hearts


Mr Darren O’Neill 
