A Message from the Principal

Celebrating Diversity and Inclusion

Today marks an incredibly important date on our calendar, as Harmony Day is officially recognised across the globe. Since its introduction in 1999, there has been a growing trend through social responsibility to better embrace the difference in culture with open arms. We are fortunate to be part of a connected community who proactively share a common goal of being good people and responsible role models for our children. It always warms my heart to see the students of Box Hill North, from Kinder through to Year 6, interact with an open mind. This is reflective on the care and compassion in our community and something that we should take time to appreciate.


My parents have lived in Australia for more than 50 years, immigrating from Scotland as what was termed ’10 pound tourists’. They chose Australia for its promise of greater opportunity and while their intent was to stay for two years, they have clearly made this country their home. My Dad talks of his struggle to be accepted as a foreigner, with his thick and proud Scottish accent, further complicated by an Italian surname. He tells a story of being made to re-sit his physiotherapy course as his qualification was not allowed, despite his working knowledge and practical experience in Scotland and Germany being recognised as well above Australian standards at the time. 


I tell this story as I can only imagine how daunting and challenging it must have been for my parents to find their feet and belong. They had the good fortune of not having to learn another language, although if you heard my Dad speak with his family, you may question this! The path my parents forged for their immediate family is one of courage. The families who join our community from all parts of the world more than likely encounter similar and even more challenging obstacles, overcoming language barriers, customary beliefs and social interactions. I can only hope that we as a community, continue to embrace difference in a way that makes everyone’s journey a positive experience. 


Seeing Mrs K teach our whole school Bollywood dancing yesterday encapsulated the true spirit of inclusion and diversity. The comparison of a tentative start and a handful of students and staff stepping outside their comfort zone to learn something new, to the entire school on the stage dancing their hearts out was inspiring.  A big shout out to Flynn, Charlotte B and Eddy, who voluntarily provided improvised steps to the routine. These are the types of experiences that make Box Hill North a very special place to be and to all families who are part of our community, thank you for making an important difference.