Year 7 Camp

Year 7 Camp was held from March 6th to 8th, Year 7 students and a team of staff travelled to Valley Homestead Camp in the picturesque town of Ovens for the annual Year 7 camp.
There were plenty of adrenaline-pumping activities for the students to try out including abseiling, flying fox, and a giant slide. Students were able to test their bravery but also fostered a sense of connection and respect for one another.
Whether conquering the Vertical Challenge or engaging in a chat in the cabins, every moment was an opportunity for students to foster connection. The camp provided a platform for students to connect with themselves, their peers, and their teachers, creating memories that will undoubtedly resonate for years to come.
Klaudija Lavrans
Year 7 Student Manager
Year 7 camp started off with a three and a half hour drive through Victoria. Once we were there, we were greeted by our camp staff, who were very good hosts. The three days we were at camp we were doing fun and inclusive activities designed to take us out of our comfort zones.
Some of these activities were abseiling, flying fox and vertical slide. One of the most fun activities was where we had to light a camp fire and cook bread, this taught us how to light a fire and how to be safe around one. All the food we had was great, and our cabins were very comfortable.
On the last night of camp, we had a movie night. Everyone had a great night, and a great time.
Mitchell Crane
Overall, camp was extremely good and filled with fun activities. As we first arrived at camp Valley Homestead, we settled into our cabins and went straight to our first activities. The activities consisted of zip lining, giant slide, abseiling and wall climbing.
Our favourite activity by far was zip lining because we could do funny poses in the air like being upside down!
The camp meals were (surprisingly) really delicious, as we had spaghetti and burgers for dinner, and the star of the show, dessert.
Charlotte Fowler and Addi Walker