Primary Bulletin

Here we are at end of first term, already. It has been a short but most productive term for all the classes. Our new Prep students have settled in very well and they have engaged with their new life at school beautifully.
I was very proud of all our students who attended the excursion to Edendale Farm on Tuesday 12 March. They represented our school values in their behaviour throughout the day, from travelling on the train to the long walk to the farm and back, as well as during all of the activity sessions. These sessions were very educational covering content on recycling, reusing and composting, respecting our local wildlife, growing our own food to reduce our carbon footprint as well as exploring the animals they have at the farm. This excursion was a fantastic way to bring to life the learning the classes are doing around sustainability this term. Thank you to Mrs Collins for organising this event for us.
I would like to thank all those families who came along to our Twilight Sports Night on 14 March. We were hoping to increase our numbers attending this year, and I can confidently say we more than doubled our numbers on last year. Once again, our wonderful Parents and Friends Group fired up the barbecue selling sausages, drinks and snacks for families to enjoy, as they watched their children join in with the games and sports provided by the teachers. I want to particularly thank Mr Cameron for his hard work setting up the equipment and coming up with the fun activities for the evening. This event is also a great way for our new families to meet others and feel welcomed by our amazing community.
Our Year 5/6 students had a most enjoyable day at the College Athletics Day at Meadow Glen Athletics Track last Wednesday. The teachers were impressed with the high level of participation amongst our students in the events on offer throughout the day. This certainly contributed to their levels of enjoyment.
Thank you to parents and carers for their attendance at Parent/Teacher/Student Conferences over the past two weeks. It is always appreciated by the teachers to be able to share the successes and challenges ahead for your children and show them that we are on their learning journey together.
Our Easter Raffle will have been drawn by the time you read this report and I would like to thank you, our wonderful community, for getting onboard with this great little fundraiser for our school. I wish to thank our Parents and Friends Group once again, for their efforts in organising this annual event. We are very grateful for your support of our students and the school.
We are looking forward to term 2 events such as Gymnastics at the YMCA for the P-3 classes and Interschool Sports for Year 4-6 students. Make sure you check Compass to consent and pay for these events so that your child is ready to go.
If you celebrate Easter, I wish you a happy time with your loved ones. Please take time to spend with your family over the break and rest and recharge your batteries for the term to come.