Prompt: I have been studying at Macleod College Intensive English Language Centre (IELC) for two weeks. I would like to tell you about my experience………
My name is Thy, I come from Vietnam. One thing I have found easy is adapting to life in Australia. One thing I have found difficult is communicating with new friends in English.
My name is Surath, I come from Sri Lanka. One thing I have found easy is making friends. One thing I have found difficult is chatting with local students in English.
My name is Helena, I come from VIetnam. One thing I have found easy in Macleod College is making new friends with students from around the world. One thing I have found difficult is speaking with local students because they speak very fast.
My name is Sophie, I come from China. One thing I have found easy is Mathematics with Ms Yeung. One thing I have found difficult is doing sport and keeping up with Ms Spinks.
My name is Yujing, I come from China. One thing I have found easy is making new friends, and Physical Education is fun. One thing I have found difficult is chatting in English with local students.
My name is Max, I come from China. One thing I have found easy is making new friends. One thing I have found difficult is speaking and listening in English all day.
My name is QingLin Yang, I come from China. One thing I have found easy is Mathematics. One thing I have found difficult is chatting with local people.
My name is Yaron, I come from China. One thing I have found easy is Physical Education. One thing I have found difficult is completing homework.
My name is Brian Lin, I come from China. One thing I have found easy is making new friends. I like Physical Education class, math class. I enjoy recess and lunch time. One thing I have found difficult is chatting with students and teachers, spelling tests and watching films in English.
My name is ZheLin, I come from China. One thing I have found easy is Physical Education, such as soccer. One thing I have found difficult is spelling and pronouncing English words.
My name is Yihan Wang, I come from China. One thing I have found easy is doing sport. One thing I have found difficult is Physical Education and speaking in English all day.
My name is Rolfe Ma, I come from China. One thing I have found easy is playing badminton and making new friends. I think playing football is hard for me, because I can’t get the ball. Australian football is not round.
My name is Sonnet Jiang, I come from Zhejiang in China. One thing I have found easy is playing volleyball and guitar, also learning unfamiliar English words with Ms Ketty. One thing I have found difficult is adapting to the new environment and communicating with the local students. My first language is not English; so it is difficult to even make small talk with local students.