Captains Corner

Term One 2024


Term 1 has been really nice. This term I have achieved many things and I’ve had lots fun playing with my friends, doing interschool sport, doing my work and recently helping with the sausage sizzle. I can’t believe that term 1 has gone so fast lately. In term 2 I am really excited for Canberra Camp and I’m also excited to doing more fun things including hosting assemblies and other school activities. Being a school captain, this term was enjoyable and I am looking forward to do more things next term.



We have had many fun activities in Year 6 in Term 1. I achieved many goals that I have set. One of them were trying my very best and having fun at Interschool Sports. I’m proud of how the girls’ team tried our very best! I am also very proud and happy because I succeeded in getting a music scholarship to my sister’s school, Ivanhoe Girls’ Grammar. This was a huge opportunity for and my parents were also so proud of me too. Last Friday on the 25th of March, the sausage sizzle was also a huge success! I am looking forward to the Year 6 Canberra Camp, because I will be having fun with my friends doing very fun stuff! I am very excited for more forthcoming events! 



The last week of term is coming to an end! Sadly. I have had more than 100 happy memories this term and I am looking forward to way more. I really hope this year will be the best year of my life! I achieved so many of my goals such as winning 2 games from our Interschool Sports! Our team was spectacular. I would also like to say a big thank you to all my girls helping each other on the day. I also accomplished being school captain! Well, that’s in my opinion. We have done so many assemblies to the point where all of us are pretty confident in ourselves. We also helped with the Sausage Sizzle! I always thought helping with the sausage sizzle was very cool and to be able to do it make it 10 times cooler! It is not as nervous as the first couple of times but still nerve-racking. 

You know what’s also coming around the corner… CANBERRA CAMP! I am so excited! Especially because the school captains and I get to lay the wreath. I am also very excited to spend bonding time with my friends, teachers and fellow captains.  Big thank you to Mr Hill, Mrs Espkamp, Mrs Scopas, Joan, Mrs Corfios, Mrs G and teachers/staff for helping me with everything.



These past few weeks of term 1 have been particularly enjoyable as I was fortunate to become a DPS school captain for 2024. It was a great term as I had lots of fun playing with my friends and teachers on various occasions, some of them being a sausage sizzle, interschool sport and assemblies. These events have been fun, as I have grown more and more confident with being a leader, but what I am looking forward to is term 2. I am really excited for Canberra camp as I have heard a lot about it and I have heard that captains do a lot of work there. 

I also want to thank my principal Mr Hill, Ms Epskamp, Mrs Corfios, Mr Johnson, Rebecca and all the other teachers for helping me with my journey in term 1.

I am really looking forward to connecting with my friends and hope that I can make this year the best it can be.