Learning in J13
Junior School Dougall is sharing the learning taking place in their class…
Learning in J13
Junior School Dougall is sharing the learning taking place in their class…
A highlight of last week was participating in the bush dance classes and performing for our friends and family on Wednesday afternoon. We also enjoyed wearing a splash of orange, sharing about our different cultures and celebrating diversity on Harmony Day. We have been learning about the power of the word ‘yet’ and how it can help us to remember that just because something is difficult doesn’t mean it will be forever.
We visited the book fair and designed and decorated our hats for the Easter Bonnet Parade.
It has been fun learning to use the laptops this term. We have worked on writing short sentences using spaces and full stops – it took a bit of getting used to using a keyboard!
We have continued to learn new things in Reading, Writing and Maths and a highlight for all students has been our Geography unit - learning about maps and the world around us.
Miss Anna Dougall
Year 1/2 Teacher