Principal Team's Report

Renee Cotterell, Scott McKinnon and Melanie Brown

Term One... done and dusted!

Well, Term 1 certainly term flew past quickly! It's hard to believe that we are a quarter through the year and our Preps have now been at school for a whole term. We have packed a massive amount into Term 1, with highlights being the Athletics Carnival, our Meet the Teacher/Family afternoon, our Bushdance and swimming program. It doesn't end there though... we're all looking forward to the annual Fun Run this week to finish the term off in a colourful explosion of fun!


This week we say farewell to our long-serving Office Administration Manager, Robyn Attwood.  Robyn has been an integral part of setting the Springs up as such a successful school and has supported all staff, in particular the Leadership Team for many, many years.  Robyn will be missed for the care she shows to all staff, the organisational processes she runs so seamlessly and also for her reminders on making sure the Leadership team drinks enough water, remembers to eat lunch and the little well-being check-in's she conducts regularly!  We wish Robyn well as she enters retirement and we are looking forward to her popping in every now and then for some morning tea. Once a Springer, always a Springer!

Bush Dance Community Afternoon

It was fabulous to see so many students and families enjoying our Bushdance with the Billy Tea Bush Band last week.  Our students showed enthusiasm and great participation throughout their lessons, with our older students acting as wonderful role models for our younger students. 

We hope everyone enjoyed this special event and having the opportunity to come together as a community and celebrate the end of a busy and successful term.  A massive shout out to our School Captains and Vice Captains for their leadership on the afternoon - it was great to see them demonstrating the dances, getting everyone involved, being wonderful role models for our students, and just overall great representatives for our school.

Solving Problems in the Yard

Quite often we hear from families that their child has reported an issue to the Yard Duty teacher and, in the perception of the child, 'nothing was done'.  With minor incidents and disagreements, we encourage all students to use the 5 Finger Plan (see picture below). 

This encourages students to work through a number of strategies for solving problems in a calm and positive manner.  Students are reminded to always skip straight to 'Ask a teacher for help and support' if it is an issue involving intentional physical contact or other more serious incidents.  We thank you for your support in assisting us in teaching our students how to solve problems in a positive way.  

Facilities Update

Big things are happening at The Springs!  In the coming weeks, you will see that we are having a large fence erected around the perimeter of our entire school.  With the amount of vandalism over weekends and also in the interests of student safety, our School Council approved this work to be done.  This will mean some changes to the ways we enter and exit the school, however further details about that will be communicated shortly. 


We had several works done over the school holidays which included extensively cleaning up our grounds and fixing a lot of little bits and pieces that were beginning to show signs of their age!  Keep your eyes out over the next few weeks for some exciting new additions to our Prep play area!

Supervision before school

Students are not to arrive at school until 8:30 am on school mornings.  Staff do not begin their workday until this time, and there is insufficient supervision available in the mornings.  Any student arriving before 8:30 am will be asked to sit at the office and wait. We ask for your support in this matter.  Likewise, under no circumstances are students allowed to leave the school grounds in the morning and go across to the shops.  Not only is this incredibly unsafe, with them crossing the busy Heritage BLVD road unsupervised, but a small number of students are also coming back having purchased items inappropriate for the school day.  Please contact OSHClub if you need to organise care and supervision for your child/ren outside of 8:30 am - 3:30 pm.



We wish all of our families a happy and safe school holiday break. We look forward to seeing everyone back after the holidays, ready for another massive term at the springs!


The PSPS Leadership Team