Take note

School photo days

A reminder that school photos will be taken on Tuesday 9 April (Senior School) and Wednesday 10 April (Junior School - Kinder to Year 5). Year 6 photos to be taken at a later date. 

Students are to come prepared in full formal uniform, including the blazer. Jumpers are not to be worn. 


Please ensure that clothing items are clean, school shoes are polished, and hair is neat, tidy and tied back if below the collar with appropriate hair accessories. 


Students are expected to adhere to the College uniform requirements regarding makeup and jewellery. The uniform guidelines are available to view on our website here.


If students have PE on this day, they must bring their PE uniformto change into before their lesson. 


For any last-minute uniform requirements, the St Mary's College Uniform Shop is open on Tuesday and Thursday from 8.00am to 4.00pm during term time. Appointments can be made online via the link here


Family photos 

There will be opportunities for family photos to be taken on both days (9-10 April) in St Peter's Hall before school from 7.45am-8.40am and after school until 4.00pm. Parents and carers are to be present to supervise their children during this time. 


An email will be sent to all families this week outlining the process for ordering school photos using the St Mary's College code (shown on the flyer below) via The School Photographer website.

If you have any questions, please contact The School Photographer on 1300 795 850.

Senior School Moderation Day | Thursday 28 March

Tomorrow (Thursday 28 March) is a Moderation Day for our Senior School teachers and a student free day/study day for students in Years 7-12. Senior School students therefore do not attend school on this day. 


Please note, tomorrow is a normal school day for students in Kinder to Year 6. 

Kinder 2025 enrolments and Open Morning 

We are currently accepting enrolments for Kindergarten in 2025. Applications close Friday 10 May 2024 and can be completed online via the College website here


Help us spread the word about Kinder at St Mary's College! If you have a friend or relative with a child due to commence Kinder in 2025, please invite them along to our Kinder Open Morning on Wednesday 10 April from 9.00am to 10.30am. 


The Kinder Open Morning is a wonderful opportunity for prospective Kinder families to tour our inspiring learning environment, get to know our exceptional teaching team and discover how our youngest learners are supported in the first steps of their educational journeys. 


Please refer to the flyer below for more details. 

School office hours 

With the end of Term 1 fast approaching, we would like to remind families of the College office opening hours. Please note the following: 

  • 9.00am – 3.00pm Monday to Friday (during school holidays)
  • 8.00am – 4.00pm Monday to Friday (during term time)

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