Look Inside ... Stage 3

Stage 3 Food Frenzy!

Year 5 students have been learning about portion sizes, sustainable food practices, nutrition, and the interesting dynamics of food groups in Science and PDHPE lessons. To consolidate their learning and demonstrate their understanding, students were asked to design a food item and were provided with the opportunity to create their interesting meals. Below are the ‘fruits’ of their labour, photos of their chosen creations displaying their understanding of learnt concepts.


Meanwhile, Year 6 students have been creating artwork around the theme of space and the cosmos. Each lesson has focused on a different art style using a variety of techniques, mediums, and materials. These celestial creations will lay the foundation of their Earth and Space topic which will be explored deeper in Science & Technology during Term 2.



Students across Stage 3 have dived into the new English and mathematics syllabus with great success. So far Year 5 have explored narrative writing and have moved on to creating a hybrid text that conveys a message about the preservation of the environment. Year 6 have also explored imaginative narratives and are now moving on to persuasive writing with a focus on indigenous perspectives and Aboriginal cultures. Below are some samples where students have explored time duration, measurement conversations.