Principal's Report

D. Donatiello

Parent/Teacher Interviews

On Tuesday, 9th April, we will be having Parent/Teacher Interviews from 3.20pm-7.30pm. This is an opportunity to understand and discuss your child's learning progress and achievement to date, as well as future growth and learning goals. The timeslots are strictly 10 minutes for each student which should be booked with your child's teacher. It is important to stick to the time allocated, as just a few minutes over will affect all those with bookings afterwards. If the time you have requested is unavailable, please request an alternate time that is suitable to you and the teacher.


P&C - Thank You

Thank you to the P&C and volunteers for a succesful Easter Raffle. Your time and effort in coordinating these events is very much appreciated by the whole school community. The prizes were amazing and I'm sure the raffle helped to raise funds for future projects. Thank you to students, families and friends for selling and purchasing tickets in the raffle.


Early next term, the P&C will be having a Mother's Day stall so that students can buy gifts for Mother's Day. A flyer with details will be sent out when we return to school, after the holidays.


Opportunity Class Placement Test Applications

Applications for Year 5 opportunity class placement in 2025 opened 4 April and close 20 May 2024. A meeting was held and notes were sent out for Year 4 students with information about the application process. Please note that the 'intention to apply' slip is not an application. All applications must be completed online.

How to apply 

• Parents/carers apply online between Thursday 4 April and Monday 20 May 2024 at:

• You must use your own email address and not one belonging to your child. 

• You must submit only one application for each child. 

• Late applications are not usually accepted. 

If you do not have internet access please contact the school or use facilities at a public library.


Gymnastics Program

In Term 2, students in Kindergarten and Year 2 will participate in weekly Gymnastics lessons. Gymnastics supports the objectives that students ‘practise, demonstrate and perform movement skills in a variety of sequences and situations’ from the PDHPE syllabus and therefore it is expected that all students will participate. 


Trained expert teachers, being supervised with the class teacher, will deliver a sequence of 8 lessons over the term. This will give our students greater access to the required 2 hours of physical activity at school each week. Notes were sent home last week. If you have any questions, please contact the school office.



ANZAC Day occurs during the school holidays (25 April). Our school will hold an assembly to commemorate the ANZAC landing at Gallipoli during World War I and recognises the sacrifices these soldiers made, as well as the many other men and women who have served our nation.

The assembly will be held on Wednesday, 1st May. We will ask for donations of flowers for class wreaths when we return to school.


School Holidays

The final day for Term 1 is Friday, 12th April. I would like to wish everyone a safe holiday break.

Students return to school on Tuesday, 30th April, 2024.


Quote for Week 11

“Alone, we can do so little; together we can do so much.” 

Helen Keller