Brimbank Careers Exploration Day

On Wednesday 8th May 2024 Brimbank Careers Exploration Day was held at Lakeside Banquet & Convention Centre, Melton Highway, Taylors Lakes. The Career team with the assistance of Level Leaders, Taylors Lakes SC arranged for 70 Year 11 Vocational Major students and 40 Year 10 students to attend the annual event. It was a lovely May Day, sun was shining. Students boarded busses provided by the organisers, Future Connect (Brandbank/Melton LLEN) our Local Learning Employment Network. 

Their primary purpose is to provide   opportunities that lead to improving education, training and employment pathways for young people in Brimbank and Melton area. The popular Brimbank Careers Exploration Day a is well attended event as many educational exhibitors registered and were represented. There were up to 50 diversly different exhibitors all present to answer pathway, employment and career opportunities questions for our students. 


Some exhibitors included: The Academy of Interactive Entertainment, Australian Catholic University, Carlton College of Sport (Diplomas), Collars, JMC Academy, Whitehouse Institute of Design, William Angliss Institute, Ai Group Apprentice & Trainee Centre, Ambulance Victoria, NECA (National Electrical and Communications Association), Tradeswomen Australia, Fire Rescue Victoria, Victoria Police, Australian Defence Force, HeadStart, Victoria Police to name a few. Taylors Lakes SC was not the only school, to have a good day as all schools in the local area were invited to attend.  Refer to photos from the event. 

Catherine Damon, Anne Murphy and 

Jessika Voigt

Careers Team