Library News

The library is a bustling place with many students choosing to spend their recess and lunchtime reading books, and playing our games, puzzles and enthusiastically participating in our activities. It is great to see students enjoying their free time in fun and collaborative friendship groups. UNO is one of our most popular games borrowed at lunchtimes and it is not uncommon to see up to six or seven games in process at one time with chess matches coming a close second. 


A fundamental part of the library’s vision is to encourage an ongoing love of reading and we provide many opportunities to support this aim. 

The library team are excited to announce that, on May 16th and May 17th, the library will host two authors who will present to our students. The first is popular writer for young adults and regular visitor to TLSC, Oliver Phommavanh. Oliver’s recent books include ‘Brain Freeze’, ‘Don’t Follow Vee’ and ‘What about Thao’, and he is best known for ‘Thai-riffic!’and ‘Con-nerd’. Oliver will present to all Year 7 students, and he uses his Thai background, comic, and teacher skills to deliver engaging talks with a zany edge. Oliver will conclude the day with a writing workshop for 30 lucky students who enjoy creative writing. If your student is in Year 7 and loves using their imagination to create stories, then please encourage them to visit the library and register their interest in this workshop.  We are also very happy to announce that our second author is former TLSC student Quintin Li. Quintin graduated in 2020 and has spent this time writing two novels. We are very proud of Quintin and wish them well as they travel to Singapore in November to present at The Singapore Writers Festival, one of Asia's premier literary events. Quintin will address students at a lunchtime event for interested participants. 

Book Club is a popular lunchtime activity which runs during Terms 2 and 3. If your student is a keen reader or would like to become one, they may enjoy being part of this club and meet other like-minded students. For more information, please see Ms. Montalto or any library staff member.


Our school is a proud Victorian Premiers’ Reading Challenge (VPRC) school, and we support all Year 7 and 8 students to participate in the Challenge as well as any interested Year 9 and 10 students. The library team are looking forward to starting our wider reading program based around the VPRC. We begin the program with an online interactive game to remind students of the educational benefits of regular and sustained reading. Older students are encouraged to speak with a library staff member if they would like to participate in the Challenge.


Parents and students are reminded that they can access Wheeler’s eBooks and audiobooks via the Infiniti library management system  or through the star icon on Compass. 


With the cooler months ahead of us, students are reminded that the library is open before school, recess, lunchtime and after school until 4:30 Monday to Thursday and 4:00pm on a Friday. 


Penny Earl (on behalf of the library team)
